My dogs, M/F mini schnauzers, started sleeping together at night in one crate. Is this adorable or a problem?


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They each have their own crates, right next to each other. F is 2 y/o, M is 8 months. They get along really well, and they recently started sleeping at night together in the same crate. Should I allow this or stop it? They are both peacefully in there, snuggling and snoring. Also, today was kind of a stressful day for them bc they were alone longer than usual. Is this them coping with that? Interested in your experiences, thank you
@emmar1121 It sounds like your mini schnauzers are bonding well and finding comfort in each other's company, especially after a stressful day. As long as they're both peacefully snuggling and snoring, it seems adorable and not necessarily a problem. However, keep an eye on their behavior and comfort levels to ensure it remains a positive experience for both. Many dogs find security in sleeping together, so it could be a natural coping mechanism for them. Ultimately, trust your instincts and monitor their behavior closely to make the best decision for their well being.
@emmar1121 Is there room for a third crate, or just bed? Letting each have their crate as their own private space to escape to when they want to, and then also providing an option for them to share could be the best of both worlds. Though then they might sleep in the crates less and thus the crates become less of a default safe place.

I am about to try the same setup with two shelter rescues who have been sharing a kennel for months. I have crates for each, but there will also be a blanket on the floor for them to share, which is what they have had in the kennel for the last 6 months. With a little luck I can even bring the blanket they have been sharing in the kennel, to make the transition a bit easier.
@junipermints They have multiple cozy beds, blankets, individual crates (with open doors), and there several preferred carpets. Sounds like your rescues are very lucky dogs. Congrats on your new babies!
@emmar1121 I don't know who is more lucky, me or them. We have all been through some shit together, but them more than me. I think they will love getting out of the shelter though, and super reactive Mini Mouse will probably even be more calm and less stressed in general.

As for crates, you may want to keep an eye on the same thing I will be, making sure that one dog isn't invading the other dogs crate when they want it to themselves.
@emmar1121 Spayed/neutered with one still under a year? Sounds like bonding to me.

Has it been chilly where you are as well? That might have kick started things and now they're just used to it.
@emmar1121 Sounds like they are keeping each other feeling comfy and warm! It's awesome that they've developed such a close bond, I bet they'll be best friends for life. You may want to still keep two beds out though so they still have the choice.

I've never heard about this causing any issues with two dogs that are otherwise getting along really well. Were you worried about anything in particular?