My dog recently has turned aggressive


New member
I have 2 great Danes, one is 4 y/o the other 9 1/2 y/o. I've had both since they were puppies. Recently my younger dog started to become aggressive, and has bit my old one twice. First incident i wrote off as a one off, although i made sure to supervise them and take away potential triggers like food/toys.

However today we just came back from a walk in the park (younger dog an me). not 5 minutes happened, they got into a "fight" (my older dog is extremely submissive and doesn't fight back) and had a bite above the eye.

I am extremely crushed by the situation because I love them both, but this is obviously an issue. Thank god both times i was around to break the fight but leaving them alone (they're both indoor dogs) might cause a bigger issue. At the moment i guess i can keep them separate but its not long term sustainable, and i am afraid that now that the young one has displayed aggression twice, it can be a problem with the baby in the house.

What is the best going forward?