My dog passed away 27 days ago


New member
Right now I'm venting on Reddit e because I'm just so f-Ing sad. She have large cell lymphoma and we had to put her down on January 1st. The day before we put her down she pulled me to where we used to always hang out with her brother . Every time I go pass that place I'm almost having a mental breakdown since I'm so sad. All that I'm happy is that she was tough enough to stay till after Christmas. She was 6 years old,husky and I don't know why god intended of her getting cancer. We tried everything to keep her a couple weeks longer but she stoped eating and drinking barley. It's been a rough month been skipping school because I'm to depressed to get up. I weight in my journal but that barley does anything. I keep on having nightmares about her telling me in different situations of how we should have not put her down. We tried to give her hemp to help Releve the pain but I don't think it worked. We recently got her ashes back and I was so sad and happy that I have them, at least she will ever be in my heart and our household.
@rynldss I’m so sorry for your loss. Mine passed away on Jan 7th. Everything reminds me of him and being on my house feels like being in hell.
Know that you gave her a beautiful life and she was so loved. She pulled you along to somewhere she loved going, she got that happiness one more time.

Stay safe, friend. Look after yourself. Cry as much as you need to but make sure you are okay. You did all that you could. There is no point in thinning what if what if what if. You did it all. ❤️
@rynldss I am very sorry for your loss. Your dog appreciated all you did for her, and she is NOT trying to send you memories saying you shouldn't have put her down. That is from your own mind due to your sadness.

Grief takes it's own time, it's own course. Sometimes you just have to allow it to play out. Keep exposing yourself to new experiences. Go out, every day. Take a new route sometimes, eventually be open to getting a new pet.

The cost of love is to eventually experience this pain. It happens to us all, and it's part of life - the painful experience of another's death. You learn to treasure the pleasant times you do have. You learn to treat others well, as why should any creature's few days on earth be filled with unnecessary pain?

Do not withdraw, continue to go out; every day even if it's brief. Enjoy the seasons, enjoy the colors, the wind; whatever comes your way. Eventually you may find such love again, possibly.

I am very sorry for your loss.