My dog now understands how w-a-l-k is spelled

@taters1 I feel ya... my husband and I made the mistake of teaching our dog the phrase "Do you wanna go for a walk?" And now she freaks out when she hears the words "do you wanna," even if we're just talking to each other, because she assumes the word "walk" will follow.

Now we call it an ambulatory adventure. And we avoid the phrase "Do you wanna" 😆
@taters1 Our GSD too, only triggered by "want"- "do you" gets her attention but she will do the German Shepherd Head Tilt whenever someone says "want" (assuming they are talking to her).

The strange thing is the head tilt is more the more she wants . If she is mildly interested in (food/going out/playing/etc) she barely tilts; if she really wants (something) it's the full 45 degree deal :p

Unlike most GSDs though she doesn't hold the tilt- she tilts and then immediately straightens up :D
@taters1 My parent’s dog just learned that in general, hearing things being spelled meant something good was going to happen. One day my dad was giving his postal code to someone on the phone and their dog went absolutely crazy with excitement.
@taters1 My wife is Japanese, so I always use the word for "outside" which is "soto," or the word for "walk" which is "sampo."

Our pup hasn't caught on...

@creeky I sometimes throw in other words my dogs know after "Do you wanna" to mess with them when they know we're probably about to go for a walk.

"Do you wanna.... Have a bath?" "Do you wanna.... Cuddle?" "Do you wanna go to bed?" "Eat?" etc.

By the time I make it to "walk" they usually snort, sneeze, bow, whine loudly, or some combo of those. The anticipation is adorable.
@creeky "Go for" is also a key phrase for my dog. Now to converse with my partner about walks, I say something like "A stroll may be in our future plans. Does that seem like a good idea?" It gets rid of do you wanna, go for, and walk.
@sleeman When my dog was learning to leash walk, I started using the phrase “mission” to keep him moving. Eventually, he learned that “mission” meant “walk where we don’t get distracted.”

Very cute accidental choice on my end.