My dog Is starting to worry me


New member
My 3 year old dog has been fine until he got a haircut recently. After that I have noticed he has been behaving strange. He started randomly twitching/flinching toward his bum. When he gets excited he walks toward me in a u shape. I tried seeing if he’s in pain applying pressure in spots but he’s fine. Do you think this warrants further attention?
@19nanny55 He probably needs his anal glands expressed at a veterinarian. Sometimes groomers will do it externally but at vets they express them internally and get everything out. Sometimes groomers can irritate the anal gland region too if they don’t know what they’re doing
@19nanny55 I’d call for a veterinarian for an appointment -

Whenever I’m concerned about my dog(s) behaviour related to a specific event (grooming) which is also medically relevant, that’s more than enough for me to call their veterinarian

Which isn’t to say random events go unchecked, if concerned about them, it’s worthy of a phone call, always!
@19nanny55 Did the groomer perchance give him a sanitary trim around his butt? Some dogs will act differently after getting one.
If not, I would take him to the vet. It might be his anal glands