My dog is potty trained but gets too distracted outside to go outside anymore and it's driving me nuts. Any advice welcome


New member
I just got a dog about a month ago to be my service animal. The little guy is super friendly and excitable. The previous owner was great at training him and even got home to signal when he needs to go outside. Problem is he's extremely distractible and will bark and bark at anyone he can't get up close and personal with. He loves people he just gets so excited that if he can't get near the person he'll bark. And because he gets distracted he'll forget to poop outside and I'll have to take him in if he barks too much cause I don't want to disturb people or have them be scared of my dog. Even when there are no people he'll just try to eat sticks and do anything but go to the bathroom. Then when he gets back inside he remembers he has to go and makes a b-line for the same spot. I just get so frustrated and pissed cause I just was outside for like 30-40 minutes trying to get the dog to shit but then he decides that in the house is a better option. The way I let him know I'm mad at him is nothing serious. I yell to get across that what he did was bad and then put him in his cage so I can clean it up without him getting around the chemicals. Nothing else I can do cause he doesn't understand and is just trying to poop. I've tried going to a less distracting place in my yard, but it didn't work. I've tried just waiting longer, he'll just find something to bark at or come up next to me and just stand around. Realistically I know he's just bored. But I can't take him on walks rn cause he busted his leash and use a broken rope toy as a makeshift one. Not confident on the structure on that rope tbh. I tried to keep him entertained with puzzle toys and indoor games like hiding treats around the house for him to find. I take him to the dog park every chance I have. I just don't understand what more I could be doing and feel bad for getting pissed off at him. But seriously the dog signalling to go the bathroom and just not going only to signal again or just shit in the house is driving me insane. Any advice is welcome just please be kind, he's my first dog and I'm trying to do all the right things.
@tnvet He hasn't been trained yet unfortunately and he's only a year and change. It takes a lot of time and money and I'm in a transitional period rn
@foursail53 You can start on the reactivity now. Look into getting them canine good citizen certified to have a good base for service work as it's a way to proof their behavior in public
@foursail53 If the goal is to be a service animal I definitely reccomend getting in touch with a trainer- but for the issue you asked about:

He signals he needs to go out. Let him out for 5-10 minutes if not productive they go in the crate for 5 minutes. Then out again for 5-10 minutes. Repeat until he potties then he gets access to the rest of the house. If he does have an accident and you catch him make a loud noise (interrupt) and bring him outside so he knows where to go immediately.