My dog is peeing in my spaces


New member
My English cocker Spaniel is 5, her name is Naboo. She is a very nervous doggo and we are used to her emptying her bladder when she is nervous. She has gotten so much better over the years.
But this week I left for 3 days with a friend. My partner stayed home. So she wasn’t with a stranger or with a sitter. In her own home with her other owner.
I came back home and she was excited to see me, nothing out of the ordinary. But went to bed only to find out she peed on my pillow. She never goes on our bed.
And today she peed on my spot on the sofa.
I don’t know what’s wrong or what to do.
Any ideas as to why she’s doing this ? What can I do to help ?
This wasn’t the first time I’d gone away without her. And all other times went fine
@lauren_ I'd go to the vet and have her pee checked. My dog was doing similar things and it turns out she has a bladder issue.

Usually if pets are peeing in odd places they're trying to tell you something.

I was about 50% sure my dog was just being a jerk but I'm glad I got the test since she did actually have something wrong. At our vet the urine test was about $100.
@aaronmark Oh I was worried it would be a water infection or something. Is she ok now ? It’s wasn’t anything serious ?
I’ll take her in Monday.
Thank you so much !
@lauren_ My dog is basically an old male cat. She has crystals in her urine. We did an xray and ruled out them clumping in her bladder which could cause bladder stones. That was good news. She's not fully better but we're on some antibiotics and some kind of urine food. Gotta retest the pee in another couple weeks to make sure it's all good.

Fortunately other than some expenses, she's not in pain and it's not serious but if we didn't catch it, it could have been much worse.

Honestly I feel bad for not going earlier, she peed on the couch and on a bean bag chair we have which she would never do. I should have gone right away but she can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, I didn't immediately think she was trying to tell me something is wrong.

I hope this helps you, at very worst if there's nothing in the pee you can be sure it's not that.
@lauren_ Sounds like you dog has anxiety and since you were gone this has increased her anxiety. Vet check to ensure no medical issues. Make her world a little smaller by keeping her leashed to you or in a pen when you need to do other things or leave the house. Make it a comfy space with bed and some toys. Toss some high value treats in there randomly when she is in there to make it a fun place to chill and wait.
@lauren_ I think she’s sending you a message: I don’t like it when you leave!

I too have a sensitive dog. When my husband is upset our dog gets frazzled by it and she throws up. We get what we get when it comes to our furry kids, as well as our bio kids. That’s nature.