My dog is misbehaving now that I’m gone


New member
I just deployed and my dog started acting out and misbehaving terribly for my wife now that I’m gone, just wondering if this is normal and looking for advice!
@berylpricee Maybe have her and the dog attend obedience classes, that way they learn to work together. The dog maybe looking for cues that are specific to you and may need to learn your wife’s method of commands.
@berylpricee It can be! I’m in a military area and had lots of dogs come in to our clinic for behavioral issues after the husband deployed. They were usually higher drive and/ or working breeds. The dogs were also usually the “husband’s “ dog used for running, hunting, etc.

Between the “alpha”( I know I hate the term too, but it gets the point across quickly) presence leaving and the lack of activity, the dogs act out. The idea of your wife working with a trainer to develop her own relationship with the dog is a great idea. If she doesn’t have the time or desire, if you have a neighbor or buddy who can take the dog for a run or even if you have a doggy daycare nearby to burn off some energy, that could be helpful.

God luck!
@mintdrake And I just want to add that you have to see the trainer as actually not for training the dog but your wife. Maybe just a couple of visits. My 4 1h sessions with a trainer with my 1st pup really gave me a good mindset and definitely positively influenced my relation with my dog.

Ask around from people who you know in your area who have nice and well-trained dogs if they know any trainer with good mindsets.