My dog is growling at her puppies- help? I've given yogurt and cottage cheese


New member
Shes letting them nurse but won't let them near her face and won't lick them either.

edit shes not growling at them since giving 6 tums (4 initially (5hours ago) and 2 about 30 mins ago. Shes licked their heads a bit but no potty stimulating yet.
@hbgcamila Get her out of the litter box asap and do NOT leave her unattended with her puppies even for a minute. Take her temp. Give her calcium supplements like oral cal plus, doc Roy’s. Can use tums if in a pinch. Check teats for signs of mastitis.
@richardy Pups have been removed since she's started acting this way other than to nurse (with me literally in front of her. I have the calcium supplement ordered but it will not arrive until tomorrow. I've been trying to do yogurt/cottage cheese to boost it. She went into labor VERY QUICKLY.
@hbgcamila Muzzle her while nursing if you’re not bottle feeding instead. If she goes after a puppy you’re not going to be able to stop her in time (neonates have no defenses) and you also run the risk of injury to your hands.
@hbgcamila Go out and get tums at your store now. Put the puppies out of reach when you do that. If her temp rises or her behavior gets weirder, take her to the vet ASAP.
@dukedesu How many tums do I give her? Husband brought me some and gave her 1 about an hour and a half ago, not much change. She's about 45-50 lbs without being pregnant. First time mom
@hbgcamila A 40lb dog can have 18 500mg tums a day. I'd probably just give her 1 an hour for a while if it were my girl. It's not very available to dogs compared to other calcium supplements, but it works in a pinch.
@dukedesu This seems to have helped a ton. Thank you so much, I've been giving her a bit extra until the supplement comes in the morning. I really appreciate all your help
@hbgcamila Show me the puppies, I got 6 aussiedoodle and was c section, she totally unattended the puppies so I had to be 24/7 taking care of them for the first week and a half.
@hbgcamila I agree you should get her some Oral Cal Plus and get her out of the pen to check her out. Dogs can have a postpartum psychosis so I would monitor her closely. This may mean you're feeding puppies around the clock and stimulating them to urinate/defecate yourself. I have personally experience of a friend's dog killing her entire litter. It was impossible to stop as it was happening and this was a tiny papillon.
@hbgcamila I had a dog have a calcium issue this past litter too. Wasn't full blown eclampsia but could have turned into it. She was crying a little and seemed really stiff in her legs. She was starting to get wobbly legs when I gave her the Oral Cal. She has been a fantastic mom, very patient and attentive. 7 puppies just proved to be too much for her after a couple weeks. I highly recommend you always have the Oral Cal on hand.