My dog is a good dog, she has 0 boundaries though, and it's getting to the point where I dislike her

I have a boxer, she's around 5 years old, she's not my first boxer, but she is the first dog I've ever had that acts in this fashion. She has 0 personal boundaries, you push her away and she's right back at it. She will NOT get out of my face, constantly at my face. If I'm sitting down, she'll come stand on my chest and just put her face right in mine, she constantly licks at your face/hands/arms/legs. If you're laying in bed, she'll jump up on the bed and it's right into your face. You have to cover your face, then she loses interest and will either lay down or leave the room.

I've tried ignoring her, I've tried negative/positive reinforcement, and I just can't get her to stop. Any help/ideas would be appreciated. She's a good dog, and I'd never get rid of her, but I don't want to dislike her, which is the road I'm heading down right now.

We rescued her from PA Boxers, and I think she was abused in her previous situation. I know she was used as a breeder dog, and has since been spayed. I feel bad for her and can only imagine that this is because of a past trauma?

I need help.
@soldierofgod1988 You need to be consistent ,make a rule and train to it and stick to it every time . The bed reference is an example ,you have turned it into a fun game to jump up and get in your face while you cover your face and play until she gets bored
@soldierofgod1988 Dont let her on furniture this will give you a place to sit or lay down where she cant get to you. This is what I do with my dog who would love nothing more than to sit on my chest while I nap. You could also try teaching her to place. If you want to do something and she's going to be in the way or be pushy give her the place command and have her sit in her bed or whatever you mark as her place.

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