My Dog Has Teeth Decay and a cracked tooth


New member
Hey yall..this my 1st time being on here and my dogs had a cracked tooth for awhile now....probably about 1-2 years...before you judge I'm only 16 and my familys not on the wealthy side......I read up on it and it said that dogs can die from tooth decay and tooth rot.....I wanted to show some picture and hope that a vet is on this site to give me an analysis on what to do....plz message me asap this dog really means everything to me,hes like my son I cant think of life without him...I saved him when he was about 4 weeks old from a random person's yard...he was being flung around and mauled by a giant pitbull and I ran and fended the dog off, I got attacked by the pitbull but I saved my little ole boy beast...when the neighbors came out they were so disrespectful they said why did I go into their yard ect...long story short the pitbull had mauled Beasts 3 brothers and sisters to death along with the mother, they threatened to call the cops so I took beast and ran (there was no way I was going to let the puppy stay with those owners) hes been my little boy ever since he slept with me ate with me and even bathed generally at the same time as me lol I live that little guy......I know ultimately the only forsure fix is to take him to the vet but last time I went they kicked me out because I had no proof of financial responsibility :[sup],([/sup] I've tookwn on a part time job now that I turned 16 and saved up about 700 dollars would this be enough to remove/replace his teeth.plz any1 help even if u feel like ur comment won't help any information will help me plzzzz
@grounded I would try r/askvet if you haven't already.

Also see if you have a veterinary school near you! Sometimes they offer services at a lower rate. You'll likely need xrays to determine if the tooth has to be removed - it may not.

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