my dog has parvo pls helpppppppp, only if u r a professional or have some experience


New member
My dog has parvovirus (just found out today through vets, s), did not eat anything, would puke everything she ate(showed these symptoms for 2 days). However, today she drank water(by herself) and did not throw up, docs said not to give her anything ? but she drank it by herself did not throw up just pooped smelly and tht an improvement?
@omahacheeks If she has parvo, why did the doc not keep her on fluids?

If you want to give her more water or maybe diluted chicken broth, just give a couple teaspoons (5 to 10 ml) at a time like every hour as long as she is keeping it down.

Follow up with your vet. Not reddit. Your veterinarian or one of the nurses/techs there.

Your veterinarian, not reddit, can give you the best medical advice.


Not strangers on the internet.

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