My dog has a scratch in his eye.. My dad won’t help


New member
Someone please help! My dog has a scratch in his eye and its next to his pupil. I looked up that I should put him a damp cloth on his eye and I also gave him half a Benadryl so that he can sleep all night and not scratch his eye. I’m 19 and don’t have money for the vet and I’ve been trying to tell my dad to help me but he keeps yelling and saying, “HES A DOG! ITLL HE’L BY ITSELF JUST LEAVE IT ALONE!!” He basically doesn’t fucking care about him like he used to and he probably wouldn’t care that I’m crying while typing this. My dogs a little under 20 pounds and almost 3 so should I just keep doing what I’m doing and keep checking on him? And also how do you feel about my dad saying these things? I told him he could go blind but he laughed and said you don’t know anything about it.. Am I overreacting?

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