My chihuahua was healthy then died suddenly after 4 days of Illness


New member
She had a 2 inch lipoma on her abdomen that was soft and moveable. Not painful. It was there over a year. She was her feisty self , running in the yard , watching out the window etc on a Monday. Tuesday she didn’t want to eat. I didn’t think anything of it after 1 meal. Wednesday still didn’t want to eat and threw up a little bit. Thought maybe she had a bug etc it would pass. Later that night I noticed that the area where the lipoma was now a hard tender to touch lump. What the heck happened???? Thursday still wouldn’t eat. Couldn’t get her into vet till Friday morning. Tried to give her water which she took and a little while later threw up. She was throwing up greenish brown vomit. Early 5 am on Friday she woke me up because she had to throw up. I put her on pad to puke. Then I laid her down with me and she started breathing irregular and slow. Within 20 minutes she died. What the heck happened in 4 days. ??? I miss her terribly. I’m heartbroken and now I wish I would’ve taken her to Emergency vet but I couldn’t really afford them.
What do you think happened ??
(The lipoma was seen by vet and’s told me no big deal. It never hurt her. )
Any ideas