My chi-poo is aggressive with other dogs


New member
I’ve had my 4 year old (F) chihuahua poodle mix since she was 8 weeks old, so her aggression isn’t related to any previous trauma. She’s grown up with our family dog, 11 year old (F) shihtzu. They can be perfectly fine, and out of no where, my chipoo snaps. I’ve noticed it happen when eating, getting treats but sometimes, it’s just random. For example, our shihtzu was sleeping next to me, and my dog was just laying there. out of no where, attack. They can get along so well at times!
As for with other animals, she’s very fearful. On walks, she will move as far from them as she can. Once they’re sniffing or getting too close, she will growl and show teeth. So far, she hasn’t snapped (thankfully) but I wouldn’t put it past her.
My gf has a (F) german shepherd. We take them on walks every once in a while, and they walk close eachother now, before my dog would keep her distance. my chipoo barely reacts (she used to, but it’s less occurring now). The main issue is when we get in the car. I have to hold my dog in the front seat, and if she turns to look at the GS, she’ll start growling/showing teeth, but sometimes will end it with a whimper. The GS doesn’t react at all. Just moves away. Im planning on moving in with my gf next year where we will have both dogs. I’m so worried it won’t work out because of my dogs aggression.
I feel it’s important to add that my chipoo has bad anxiety. She used to cry very loud, almost like she was screaming when I would leave the house and she’d sit in the same spot staring at the door until I came home.
I feel at a loss. I don’t know what to do. I love my pup so much, and I can’t imagine getting rid of her. I just want her to stop acting out! Any advice? I can’t afford a professional trainer (i’m a college student)
@chocostar Honestly, I don't really have great advice, but I do know that if a dog attacks unprovoked (no warning signs) it typically points to their genetics. Sometimes, there's truly not much you can do for it. Imagine you have a mixed dog that is a herding breed and a hunting breed.. their genetics literally are fighting each other to either herd a small animal or eat the small animal, I'm unsure about the genetic composition of your dog but it makes me think of that if there's no previous trauma, you've properly socialized them at a young age, and they've shown no signs before. It truly could be genetics, and you'd need a behaviorist. I'm sorry you're going through this.

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