My 9 yr old German Shepherd’s decline in physical health


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My female German Shepherd just turned 9 last month. She was 75 lbs in her prime, now is about 88 with less physical activity (still figuring out new foods and amounts). Last Oct 2023, she was diagnosed with Spondylosis and arthritis in the knees as well as Pannus. A few days ago, she hurt herself on a walk, and the vet thinks she may have torn her CCL (similar to ACL).

I’ve been a wreck. Starting in Oct 2023, it took me some time to adjust and accept the new normal of daily pain meds, anti inflammatories (that are hard on her system), eye drops, new harness vs collar setup and eyeglasses (she hates them). The vet advised she never go off leash, swim, play fetch (advised to roll) or do anything that would stress her neck again. These are all the things my dog loves.

Fast forward to yesterday (only 6 months after first diagnoses) where the vet told me the surgery would be $2-4k for the CCL injury. I’ve already spent so much on X-rays, vet visits, red light therapies, meds, gear, new foods, probiotics, joint supplements and salmon oil that I’m trying to sell as much stuff as I can and trying to eat as least as I can.

If I chose to let time do it’s thing vs surgery, I have to use a Help em up vest, only do short leash walks in the backyard for her to potty, and not allow her to leap. She can’t get on the couch, up a step or on my bed without me picking her up, and she doesn’t really like me to try. I also hand fed her last night bc I can tell she’s in pain. It took some time.

My dog will eventually develop scar tissue (but not technically heal), so that when she walks she’ll overcompensate on the other leg. I have to pretty much not let her move for weeks. Vet suggested cold / hot compresses, but my dog gets annoyed, whines, pants and tries to go somewhere else.

This is my best friend that has been with me 9 years. She is typically active and playful. I’m not keen on putting her under anesthesia as an older dog, and I hear the CCL surgery healing process can be excruciating and take 6+ months. It doesn’t sound like she’ll be the same either route I go.

What’s most heartbreaking is she is all mentally here and still a pup who wants to frolic and play, but her body can’t comply. I’m trying my best but I can already tell she’s over the meds and is frustrated. I hate seeing her like this. Im so angry that I’m pushing my friends away here, and I don’t sleep well

I’m at a loss, I feel like I’m alone in this. I don’t know who else to talk to. For context, I’m a single 34F living in Colorado Springs. It’s expensive here, and it’s hard enough to just support myself. I keep applying for side gig work on top of my full time job as I work remotely and am willing to work more, but I hear nothing back. I originally got my dog with an ex but he’s been out of the picture for a while.

I just happened to have a couple, less than a week trips to see very good friends of mine coming up in a couple months and feel so torn about leaving her. She has great dog sitters but they don’t stay overnight or anything. I don’t have family around here so I desperately wanted to take these trips for my own mental health.

Has anyone else gone through something like this? Any advice you can offer? TIA. Here’s a photo of her, stuffed animals used to prop up her injured leg. She DOES seem to like that.

EDIT / UPDATE: Thank you again for sharing your experiences with me. It really helped me weigh my options and hear from outside sources other than my vet. We've been taking it day-by-day, chilling at home with an ACL brace and good meds and supplements. I can tell she feels better as time goes on, but I know it will be a long, slow road ahead.
@aussiebanana My 7 year old female GSD underwent a tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) surgery for a torn CCL in late December 2022. It was a long haul and cost $5K for the surgery alone. Medication and other associated costs on top of that.

I didn’t think she’d ever recover because of how lame she was following the surgery. I followed the regimen and even slept on the floor with her, and eventually she was running again and completely healed. After 6 - 8 months she seemed back to where she was, but really it was more like a year.

The surgery is not for the faint of heart and I can tell my situation was better than where you are with your girl. I don’t know what to tell you that can help, but I would imagine I wouldn’t be able to pull off surgery if I was in your shoes. That is being alone and without the resources I probably had. I would have probably just made her comfortable and helped her in a very physical way live her best life for as long as possible. All the things you’re doing now. Maybe someone else has some better insight or good advice for a non-surgical path. My heart goes out to you guys.
@rocvisc17 Thank you for the helpful information, your kind words and for sharing your honest experience. Im actually laying next to her on the porch right now. 6 months ago, I just threw everything I had in order to get what she needed. When this happened a couple days ago, I felt like I was going to have a breakdown. Still kinda do. It’s like either path is somewhat a lose-lose it seems. My dog is absolutely miserable if she’s not able to be free to roam and play. She’s already frustrated and confused now, I can only imagine how much she will resent this in months time. I will take some time to think things through. I’m sorry you’ve also had to experience this, but I’m glad you got to experience the joy of having amazing pups.
@aussiebanana My soon to be 10yo female has torn/ruptured both CCLs and one MCL. Once at the beginning of covid, her other CCL a year later, and the MCL less than a year after that. Hers were not even an option to just let time do its thing, they were so bad.

The surgery recovery took just as long as what you are describing as letting time do its thing, so there is that to consider. During her recovery, it was very much crate time, no activity for the first 2 weeks other than going outside on leash to go potty. Then short leash walks, and gradually building her back up to full. It was a long recovery process. We opted for the surgery every time, and it's cost us a great deal, but she is our fur baby, and other than those injuries is in perfect health.

2 TPLO surgeries, and 1 MCL and plate removal suegery later and you wouldn't even know it today that she had them done. She acts just like she used to, might be a touch slower than usual but not by much.
@notb Thank you for sharing your experience, it’s really helpful. Your pups are lucky to have you guys. I also read about the likelihood of the other CCL / MCL being torn within a year or so, which feels like another gut punch. This is a devastating injury.
@aussiebanana I’m so sorry for your predicament. As to taking your trip, can your dog remain alone overnight? Can you have a vet tech help out? Go to grooming place is there someone who might help? I felt so bad for you I just googled this query “compassionate help for poor dog owners vet bills”
There are kits of hits. Check it out. Grants, low cost clinics, vets who will work it out on long term credit.
Also for part time work, look at your closest town. Prepare This Is Me and include your Pupper. Ask for work locally so you can pay for your dog’s surgery and recovery. ❤️‍🩹 Take care of yourself …
@elfynity Thank you for your kind words, thoughts and for the helpful advice. She is able to be alone overnight but it feels wrong in this circumstance. I can ask around, but I’m not sure if I’ll even go on the trips anymore. Life, man. So tough.

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