My 8 year old Maltese brought in a dying rabbit into the house


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My mom called me the other day telling me about how my 8 year old, 8lbs Maltese came in from the backyard and ran straight to her doggie bed in our family room which was odd to my mom. Now we’ve had a Maltese live until 17 so 8 is not incredibly old for these dogs but she isn’t young either. My mom is very active tho and takes her out for over 1 mile walks everyday so this dog is in shape, but still probably too small and too slow to catch rabbits and squirrels. She also never has caught one and it’s not in the breeds nature idt. Anyways, usually her going straight to her dog bed is a tell she has something but her doing that after being outside was def weird. Usually she’ll do that w socks, underwear, or toilet paper she finds in the house. So my mom went to go see what she was doing and saw her put down a dying rabbit next to the bed on the carpet. My mom freaked out and picked up my dog to keep her away from the rabbit and put the rabbit in the bushes next to our driveway outside of the gated backyard. My mom said no bleeding or obvious puncture wounds but it was def dying. J overall very weird bc our dog has never done anything like this before and it’s weird that it happened for the first time so late in her life. My family has had malteses since before I was born and they’re not a predatory breed. None of the malteses we’ve had have done this. Our dog isn’t really like that either so it was just so strange. We can’t figure out if she was trying to help it or if she was going to try and eat it bc it’s j so unlike her. Apparently the rabbit was almost half her size. My mom and I have been debating bc of our dogs nature we think she tried to help it but also she is still an animal so the motive to eat it is so possible. She didn’t fight my mom on keeping the rabbit and there was def none of it eaten already. Came here to see what y’all think bc we’re both stumped. Just very out of the ordinary for her

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