My 4-month y/o pupper has become a barker


New member
Whenever a guest comes over especially. He’s a rescue pup and I guess he has some hound in him, because this little boy sure can bark lol. I’m trying to teach him not to, but I’m out of my zone here. Would it help taking him to a trainer for this? He’s really great in all other aspects, I’ve made him potty-trained and he’s learned some commands but he just gets worked up for guests.
He’s so young though I’m sure there are ways I can help him learn to chill out when he meets someone new. Maybe giving him a treat anytime he’s not barking?

Edit: just realized I called him a 4-month year old lol
@thomas7897 Don’t worry, we’re all sleep deprived here. I also have a 4 month year old.

Is it excited barking or fear barking?

My girl jumps up in excitement at people and we’ve made a rule now that she doesn’t get petted until she puts her butt on the ground. She is then rewarded with pets. Pets stop if she jumps. She’s caught on and now she just runs around a bit when she sees someone she loves to burn off the “omg omg omg” energy.

If it’s fear, try to build up a positive connection to people that come over. Let your pup go to them, enticed by a treat or a favourite toy being offered by that person. Also this is a bit of a weird one that might only apply to my pup but if I touch something she’s scared of, she warms to it, almost like she knows I wouldn’t touch something scary. Sometimes holding can also make some anxious dogs feel safer. Some don’t like it as they feel trapped/out of control. Depends on your pup.

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