My 4 month old puppy cries anytime I’m gone… and the whole time


New member
Hi I suspect she has bad separation anxiety (duh) but she literally cries and squeals the whole time I’m gone. It can be 5 min or an hour. I work from home but still she does good when it’s a nap or she wants to lay down. She does find the kennel to be a safe place but doesn’t necessarily go there by choice on her own all the time her. She sleeps there every night but won’t really play with toys in there when alone. I’m going to have to return to work at some point and would prefer her be okay being alone for up to 4 hours as an adult. Is this something any of you have dealt with? All of you? I’m not sure where to go.
@gerryp I never forced my puppy into the kennel even though I would highly encourage it.

The first few weeks I slept on the floor by the kennel, once I transitioned to going to my bedroom (kennel In the living room) I would come to the kennel anytime he cried and take him outside to potty but give no attention. Wanted him to learn I’m there for him, but if he’s just crying for attention he isn’t getting it.

Long story short he got tired of going outside for nothing and now only cries when it’s time to wake up (5 am for him)

I’ve read when they are that young they are scared they will die without us there, they are super young and the world is scary. I was lucky that almost all the time either me or my wife was in the house, I did have to leave him sometimes but idk how loud he was when I wasn’t there

I feel like I’m rambling, but hang in there, and try and let your pup know you’re there if you need them
@offspin Been trying! And I don’t force her in the kennel, just use treats or ‘good girls’. She’s like the “bed” command. She sleeps right outside my room already and the kennel being dark and cozy made that easy. Hopefully she gets she’ll live being alone for an hour lol

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