My 2.5 y.o. Mini dachshund can’t go to new places


New member
Looking for some support/advice regarding my mini dachshund. Whenever we take her to new places, she just can’t cope. She pulls on her lead in all directions, pants, won’t toilet, is more reactive and whines/cries non-stop. It doesn’t matter if it’s somewhere she’s been before, or somewhere new like a new walking spot. This is particularly bad if she’s taken somewhere like a restaurant or pub where she has to just sit.
We have a similar issue where she copes poorly when we have guests round at our house or take her to a relative/friends place. She has zero boundaries, jumping up, leaping at their faces to kiss them, not leaving people alone. If we leave the room to go eat dinner, she will sit and cry loudly. We find that she also doesn’t sleep nearly as much and gets over tired and overstimulated, to the point where it exacerbated the issues I mentioned earlier. When we get home, she sleeps for a solid day or two to ‘recover’.
We’re at a complete loss. We worked so hard to socialise her when she was a puppy, taking her to new places with different sights, smells and sounds. She’s been to doggy training classes and is already receiving veterinary treatment for separation anxiety (medication).
Can anybody provide any support or advice on what we could do? We’re willing to try anything to help her out