my 17 w/o (M)puppy pees off pads


New member
Hi everyone! i got my gf a miniature schnauzer for Christmas when he was 7 weeks and he knows to pee and poop on pootumn pads but only does it when we are home. whenever we both have work we have him and our other 9y/o dog in the downstairs of our apartment together so he does get board as he was tearing up the pads at first when we were gone but now my gf is out of town for a few days and when i got home from work i found that he peed all over the downstairs (hardwood thank goodness) and when i entered the kitchen (where the pads are) he immediately went to pee on the pads. what do i do?

normally we only treat him when he pees on pads and when he pees off of them we have him smell the pee and say “no” or “bad dog” but it doesn’t stop him from doing it when we aren’t home. we try to give him lots of attention whenever we are home and even give him time without us or the other dog to teach him that he doesn’t need attention but we play with him lots.

we can’t take him on walks or outside until his last round of shots.

any advice helps
@felish Stop reprimanding him and making him smell his pee or you'll scare him into start hiding to pee/poop and then you'll really be in hell.

Since he's not potty trained you shouldn't be giving him access to your entire house where he can just pee everywhere.