My 1 year Labrador poops in house


New member
Hey guys. So I just got a new female labrador. I've tried various things to make it a habit for her to poop outside but she does it whenever she wants inside my lawn. I take her out twice. Once early in the morning, once in the evening.
Its like she sometimes can't control the urge. Secondly what i've noticed is she is extremely excited. I mean to the extreme. She can't eat without spilling her food. Lays down on all four legs when eating. Throws her water bowl away with excitement even though she gets plenty of time to play in the morning and evening.
I want to know how to train her to poop outside at regular times and is this extreme excitement and bathroom urgency a symptom of any underlying issue??
Please help. Thankyou!!!!!!!
@hazelhope Can I ask why you can't take her outside more than just twice a day? That's really not often enough. I'm trying to be understanding here. Twice a day? My dog has a dog door and goes out whenever she wants.

This bathroom urgency you mentioned should be a big clue to you that she needs to go outside more than twice a day. No wonder she's pooping inside.