Muh F@cking Lawsuit


New member
I need a place to vent this evening, and also curious if anyone here has faced a similar issue and their outcome. Sorry it's a long one...

Background: My dog is not reactive in the way I see many of the fine dogs on this sub are. He is actually very obedient, wont immediately react if approached by another dog on leash, loves people, not a barker. But if he senses any bit of aggression from another dog, or they run up on him, the fight is on with no warning growls and he is going to win (red nose pit, from the pound at 3 yrs old, now 7). Unfortunately this behaviour has gotten worse over time and we have been working with a trainer to address.

Now let's go to 3 weeks ago, I was working on his loose leash walking skills (thanks to the trainer) in a park we do not usually go to, after dark. I was talking loudly and giving him treats. This caught the attention of a reactive dog off leash 50ish ft away. She starts barking and the owner hugs her around THE MIDDLE and not by the collar. We keep walking but the other dog breaks free, I immediately shout "hes not friendly", the other owner responds "she's not either"... eye roll So when the dog reaches us I grab her by the collar and had my dog by the collar and was able to keep them apart, while owners ran up a hill to get her. cue calamity My effing dogs collar breaks/unclips idk but boom, it's off, and he is on top of her and I am just freaking out bc I dont know how to regain control safely, I'm helplessly screaming at him and that his collar broke. It was awful and I wish my brain had worked enough to kick him or get his leash around him. But instead after a minute of panic the other owner reached in to get her dog and my dog reflexively bit and latched onto her arm. I am horrified... she is able to get her dog, I get mine we seperate and she is bleeding... a lot. I am fully freaking out and she just says "dogs are dogs". I just start offering my name and phone number bc though I did not feel the incident was my fault I was horrified by the outcome and would have absolutely helped pay vet bills and even for her care if needed. I did not make that clear though, just offered the info. They did not even request it, I am just a dumbass bleeding heart on the brink of a panic attack. Got a call the next day from animal control, dog has to quarantine but I will face no repercussions bc he was on leash and other dog was not. Cool...

Now we get to last week when I get a call from some bullshit injury attorney that she is suing me and wants my homeowners insurance information, followed by a letter after my refusal (done giving anyone information at this point). Fucking livid. And just generally upset. We are good people who recognize our dogs issues and work so hard to address them. We also take responsibility for any damage he may cause. But I dont want to pay mfing lawyers to handle something that WASNT MY FAULT and that I would have taken care of as a HUMAN BEING. And then pay insurance premiums out the ass for years to come.

Now we come to why I am triggered tonight. I had mostly convinced myself she was probably more significantly injured than it seemed and maybe it had a real impact on her life. But no. Just got the official report from the county that she had to get 10 stitches, and says it was a laceration down her "entire arm"... Does that suck? Absolutely! Will it impact her life long term? No. Did it happen because she was being an irresponsible dog owner? YES. And she fucking says her dog was awoken by us walking by, like that is an excuse the dog was not on leash or under any sort of control at all even once it started barking? Agh. I die. There are no indications of injuries to her dog and she refused to meet with an animal control officer after filing the complaint, or answer their follow up calls, which seems odd?

Ultimately after talking with a lawyer and an insurance agent friend we are going to file the damn claim. But everyone is hopeful and thinks there is a good possibility that her claim will be denied. One further frustrating thing, insurance agent friend said that if she had just called me and the amount was more than we could cover out of pocket we could have filed that as a medical claim and she would have gotten a pay out and our premiums would not go up as much as they will have to when they have to hire a lawyer for us. So. Fucking. Frustrating.

Note that typically my dog would have been in a harness and collar but ironically that night did not have his harness on because of the training. He will now always have both on outside of the house and be in his muzzle in new situations.

Has anyone really made it this far? If so, any sympathy, similar stories, suggestions, or even criticisms are appreciated.
@vduplessie It really is the most aggravating thing. I got into a huge fight with my friend before I was a dog owner because she would never leash her lab and dachshund in her apartment complex. She says, “they are trained” okay yeah but what is they come in contact with an aggressive, untrained, off-leash dog? Or what if they decide they hate an on leash dog that walks by? Haven’t you ever seen a baby scream and cry when they see someone for no reason? Sometimes someone or some dog just spooks you and you feel threatened.
Ugh, I once got into a back and forth in the other dogs sub when someone said that any dog with the potential to bite should be put down. ALL dogs have the potential to bite.
@vduplessie Including mine, there’s about seven houses on my road, and out of those seven, only one actually keeps there dog on a leash, and one just doesn’t have a dog in general. The other day, I was walking my dog by myself and the neighbors were doing some work in there front yard, so there large dog just happily walks into the road to me and my now terrified dog. Fortunately there daughter was riding her bike back and told the dog to go back, but still. Needless to say my dog made me carry him back as it’s a dead end road and we had to cross that house again to get back home
@annap16 I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is absolutely horrible considering she was the one being irresponsible. From reading your story it doesn't sound like your dog intentionally bit her. I believe your dog was trying to bite hers but she stuck her arm in the middle and it just happened to be her not her dog. She caused this entire situation by not having her dog on a lease in a public park.
@mauricio512 Thankkk youuuu! I know it was on instinct for her but fuh, dont stick your arm in the dogs mouth! He is in psycho mode. He absolutely had no idea he was biting a human. I just wish I had had the instinct to kick and distract him to let go.
@annap16 Tip for the future - pull the hind legs and try to get the other owner to do the same (having had my reactive dog attacked by off leash dogs twice now, Im starting to consider myself an expert 😐)
@kiegenh As long as the dog(s) aren’t attached this is the way to go. My coworker’s call it the wheelbarrow method. If they’re attached and latched, do not pull them apart as it will cause more tearing.
@jeremiahforchrist My guy was bit by another dog that latched on didn't want to let go. Other owners picked up their dog and started pulling. I realized the other dog had more harness than muscle of my dog, so I reached down to unclip his harness. It got the other dog to let go of my guy, but he instead latched onto my hand. Over 3 months later and I still have nerve damage, I would rather me than my dog though.
@ngocluongkt48 Any suggestions for dogs who have issues with being grabbed by their back ends and can actually reach round with their teeth? My old guy has always been defensive of being grabbed (a family "friend" scruffed him as a young dog before I could stop him to demonstrate how all dogs should be able to be lifted by the back of the neck, no matter their size - yes, I put a stop to it, no, that person is no longer allowed around my animals). If it comes to being able to drag him out of a fight, I'll take any bites thrown my way, but if I can avoid them, I'd like that more.