Mother and Newly Weaned Pups

My mother-dog has just weaned her litter of six pups. The weaning was initiated by her (the dam) and was instantaneous. Once they started on solids, she stopped nursing.

The issue now, is that the mother seems to be agitated, and wants to spend time with the pups, but when she is brought back into the room (baby-gate being used as a barrier), she is immediately swarmed by the pups who try to nurse, and she runs back upstairs.

What do you think I should do? Should I bring the pups out to her, one at a time? I bathed them yesterday, and tried to get her to come down and give them an individual clean and inspection for herself, but she wasn't interested. Then later, when the pups were back in the room, she whined to get in - and it played out as described above.

Since you guys were so helpful last time, I think I'd like to try my luck again. Anything in your experience that would help a guy out?

Also, I am reluctant to allow the pups upstairs into our living space, as I have a 9 month old baby crawling around on the floor, and keeping the basement clean is hard enough! I would like to begin talking the dogs outside, to relieve themselves and play, but it's cold up here. Like -35 Celsius when I woke up this morning. The pups are part-Husky, but that seems a little extreme. Thoughts?

Thanks a lot!

EDIT: I also wanted to ask about the puppies' growth. Their weights, for the last two weeks is as follows:

5 weeks: 6 weeks: Weekly Growth:

1 - 6.6 lbs 9.2 lbs +2.6 lbs

2 - 7.8 lbs 10.1lbs +2.3 lbs

3 - 7.5 lbs 10.4 lbs +2.9 lbs

4 - 6.8 lbs 8.9 lbs +2.1 lbs

5 - 7.1 lbs 8.7 lbs +1.6 lbs

6 - 6.6 lbs 8.4 lbs +1.8 lbs

(Hope the formatting works out)

Does this seem like acceptable growth? I'm concerned about pups 5 and 6. There growth rate is much slower than pup 3. Thoughts?

Thanks again.

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