Mexican street puppy adopted. Need some help


New member
Hey guys,

My girlfriend and me adopted a little puppy from the street. Her grandma found 6 puppies (2 already dead) inside a plastic bag in front of the tire of her parked car. Since we wanted a dog anyways, we adopted one of the girls. Unfortunately she is very sick, so we took her to the vet, where they took a blood sample, gave her some medicine, infusions and kept her for two days. Unfortunately, while everything in Mexico is still pretty cheap, I now have to live with a mexican salary. So after already spending 2 month rent on the puppy at the doctor, I decided to take her home.
So for now, she is sitting in her little bed all day and doing nothing, except taking a very nasty smelling whitish diarreah shit every once in a while. She does neither eat nor drink, breathes very fast and heavily.
The only thing I am doing at the moment is feeding her a little bit of some suplement mixed with water through a plastic surenge every two hours, so she has at least some nutricion and let her rest. The doctor gave us some antibiotics, which I need to force down her throat. I owned a dog before, which luckily never was sick, but now I don't really know how to deal with it and hope to find some help here. Anything else that I can do that doesn't cost the world or should I just let her rest and hope for the best?
FYI, my little girl is probably some kind of Sheprador (Retriever/Labrador/German Sheperd Mix), although with a street dog you never know, what exactly is mixed in there. Maybe that helps.

Here is a picture of the poor little girl:

Thanks in advance for your help.
@backnforth Poor thing. I would say she needs fluids the most if she is having diarrhea. She may have some sort of intestinal parasite (which I would be surprised that the vet didn't catch). I'm not sure what else you could do, except try to get her to drink and eat what you can and let the antibiotics work. I had a puppy with pneumonia once, it is terrible when they are sick.
@jely Yes, we are giving her stuff to drink, but only small amounts every hour, because she is gagging a little bit and having trouble keeping it in. Gonna buy some electrolite drink later, anyone knows if there are any that don't have a disgusting (assumingly for the dog) taste? And good news is that just an hour ago, she actually drank a little bit on her own. Well, she has some worms, which the doctor already treated. But other than that and a very inflamated stomach she has no parasites inside her.
@backnforth Honestly, she sounds awful :( poor thing. If you can your hands on pedialite and a syringe to help get the dog to swallow it it sounds like a good first step. Keep an eye out for dehydration, you can google how to tell online. This puppy sounds very ill.
Thanks for the help. Got moderately good news. We fed electrolytes and a suplement via syrenge and she has a little bit more energy now than yesterday. Can walk around the 6x6m backyard a little, take a (not white anymore) diarreah shit, smell a plant here and there and go back to bed every few hours. And just now she ate solid food for the first time in 5 days. And a lot. Pressing question now: should I give her as much as she can eat or a little bit every hour or so?

Bad news are that her eyes are full of liquid and the eyelids stick together. I wash them out every few hours and pour an eyedrop, so it seems better now. Hope that is nothing too serious.

Anyways, I have hope again that she can make it now. Will keep you updated here. First time she smiles at me and wiggles her tail because she wants to play, I will light up the Cohiba, I have lying around here. But still a way to go until then.
@backnforth Poor thing. The BM issues sound familiar to me; my pup had hookworms in his diarrhea, and once we treated for those he got better. It did require a special medication, and required a lab test called "fecal float" to find. Maybe you can bring a stool sample back to your vet?

I'd be surprised if they didn't look at her stool while she was there, but I'm curious.

Keep her hydrated. That'll be hard while she's having watery poops, but it's super important. Other than that, idk. Get the antibiotics going. Keep the vet updated, and follow their advice.