Meeting my gf’s cat for the first time


New member
My girlfriend and I are planning on my dog meeting her cat this weekend. Im driving down with him from upstate NY to her Brooklyn apt (1 bedroom) for the weekend.

For context: I have a 4 year old, 23lbs American Water Spaniel mutt (not 100% sure of the breed but the resemblance is uncanny). He’s really sweet but def has hunting genes and has chased/obsessed over feral cats in my yard, so we’re nervous but hopeful.

We’ve already swapped toys to help them get acclimated to each other’s scent and plan on keeping the kitten in my gf’s room with a gate to start. Im bringing a ton of high value treats and his lead.

Anyone have experience/tips to help us in the process? We know it’ll take time but we want them to get along down the line for when I move back down.

@ablooeyedangel I did that with a dog that had previously caught and killed cats. The dog must understand the cat is an absolute NO. And it would help if he is afraid to hurt the cat. I'm not saying to abuse the dog but your voice can make it clear that attacking the cat has severe repercussions. Not that is has to but the dog doesn't know that. Beyond that, time and consistency is what you need. After a while, mine started to play together. Just be careful and patient.
@ablooeyedangel You should put the cat and dog on either side of a closed door, give them maybe a week or two like that before actually getting them to see each other. Let them sniff first. Many dogs go back to instinct, especially hunting dogs. Be very careful. If either animal shows signs of uncomfortableness or attack mode, give them more time behind a door
@ablooeyedangel Instead of a gate, try a large open sided dog crate, leave the kitten/ cat in there and let the dog get use to the cat, when the dog stops reacting reward the dog. The slowly bring the kitten into a room with a gate(just remember gates are not gonna stop a dog or cat if they really want to get to the other one (or get away)