Looking on diet & care advice


New member
Hi all. I have a Smithfield / red cattle dog. She’s recently got out while having yard repairs & shes come home pregnant …. I’m just wondering what I should be feeding her? She was just on lucky dog biscuits with wet foods. But I feel like she needs more to supply for the pups as well? For reference shes 6 years old , people I got her from told me she hadn’t bred before, is there anything I should be looking out for in her because this is her first litter? How I can make her feel comfortable through out pregnancy?
@hocdmonster I would take her to the vet to make sure she and babies are okay. Six is a little old to be having puppies so hopefully she doesn’t have problems. She should be being feed puppy food. I personally do puppy food and rice and hamburger
@hocdmonster I also get calcium tablets from my vet to help with lactation. Since she is older you really should have your vet take a really good look at her to make sure everything is ok. Prepare a whelping box with a pig rail for her. Heat lamp. Also have puppy formula replacer on hand along with bottles in case she needs help feeding the puppies. Prepare prepare prepare for anything and everything. I hope she whelps a nice bunch of puppies and is a good healthy mama.

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