looking for some feedback


New member
so ive been working at a groomers for 6 years now. (grooming for about 3 of those years while learning on the job) recently my boss got sick and asked me to work a day alone. feeling up for the task, i accepted and the day went by without a hitch. I talked to customers, groomed all the dogs without incident, and even learned how to operate the credit card machine. in essence i ran the business for a day and did pretty damn well.

now onto my question. ! started grooming at 9 and finished around 4. 3 standard doodles, a cavalier (shave), cockapoo, bichon, and a lab bath. I combed out, preshaved, bathed, hand dried, and groomed all 7 myself. im just interested to know if this is a good ratio of hours worked to dogs groomed for someone who has been grooming for about 3 years now. i know its different for everyone but im just looking for others personal standard so i can kind of get an idea of where I'm at in terms of efficiency. Is this below or above average?
@user_x I've been grooming for 5 years and don't do that maNy dogs because my body can't handle it anymore. Don't compare yourself to others. Do what is comfortable for YOU. There's no standard of how many dogs you should be getting done. It's different for everyone. You're doing good.
@hope414 hm, understood completely. just looking to hear other peoples experience in the field. thank you for sharing! after working alone yesterday my back was on fire, so i can definitely relate to how physically demanding the job is
@user_x Other people's experiences shouldn't matter to you. You're gonna get people that say 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10.

Again, there's no standard. If your back was on fire, listen to it. Don't over do it trying to prove you can groom x amount of dogs. I did that, and now I have permanent damage. Please take care of yourself. You come first.
@user_x Doing 7 dogs by yourself in 7 hours and answering phones and checking in and out clients all the stuff without help that's pretty damn good. It also sounds exhausting happy I don't have to do that extra stuff anymore lol
@markymarc yes! as someone who prefers to work behind the scenes i have to say i was physically and mentally exhausted. do you own your own business and employ people to do the extra stuff?
@user_x My days typically go for 7 hours and I do 4-6 dogs. A Yorkie takes 45 min- 1 hour. A 75lb golden an hour and a halfish. Like everyone else said- don't compare too much, but I understand wanting to get an idea.
@user_x That’s a good ratio but my body couldn’t handle that anymore. I barely can handle two large dogs over 40 lbs a day. My limit is 6 dogs a day in my math, doodles and dogs over 40lbs are considered 2 dogs.
@user_x That’s a great ratio if you can handle it and maintain a quality groom. Def above average for only being 3 years into grooming. BUT you had 3 years as a bather yeah?? I would imagine your handling skills exceed your average groomer that’s rushed into the trade because they want more $$. Keep doing what your doing if you handled that work load and dident want to die afterwards and are STILL hungry for more you’ll be running the show in no time.

But always maintain a solid work life balance don’t burn your self out or bite off more than you can chew. Know your limits… if you want to do heavy workloads really consider your diet as fuel and have a really good sleep routine or else your body won’t hold up. I run my business, groom 10 dogs a day and interact and talk with every client 6 days a week and have for years (with a bathers assistance) . But I also don’t drink alcohol, eat 0 processed food or sugar, and make sure I get 8 hours of sleep in a pitch black room and have no social life outside of my wife (whose also my bather). And I don’t say that to be pompous I had to choose that life style if I wanted to maintain my business and workload after I had stress induced seizures. Seriously make sure you get rest and eat well.
@clare5890 yep, bather/dryer for 3 years and grateful for every second of it. a good bath and proper blow out pretty much determines the quality of the finished groom and I'm aware of that fact through my experience as a bather. and though exhausted i will say I also felt a bit energized after the day. I was high on confidence for my work and wouldn't mind feeling that again tbh
@user_x I get the feeling you aren't actually looking to "compare" but to gauge how you are doing. So let it be known that you did fantastic! HOWEVER - Beware! Do not hold yourself to those standards and be disappointed in yourself should you not do as well next time!
Keep these things in mind:
*You were absolutely running on adrenaline. Completely focused, high energy, positive and motivated. Those criteria won't always exist being thrown in a day like you were.
*YOU WORK WITH ANIMALS! Even the regulars, the ones we know, can be unpredictable and have bad days. Just like us. To get the job done correctly it may slow us down some and you shouldn't get down on yourself for that.
*OUR BODIES ARE OUR #1 TOOL! Heed the advice given by so many here if you are passionate about your career, I want to continue to grow and do well, take care of yourself first!!!! Rest, hydrate, nutritionally energize.
Keep up the good work fellow groomer you're doing well!!
@real_magyar A+ advice and encouragement right here. if i could do the day over again i would have probably dropped a doodle or 2. 3 was excessive and probably the most stressful part of the day. and luckily for me, all of the dogs were very cooperative with me, but i know how fast things can get messy when working with live animals. as for self care, I definitely felt those 7 dogs in my lower back and if i had to go home every day feeling like that I'd probably be crippled by the time im 30. i will consider this when im given my next solo opportunity! thank you for the feedback!
@user_x You are so very welcome. Ice your back and consider wearing a brace even if you don't feel that you need one now it will prevent you from having to have one later!
I recommend Copper fit. You hardly know it's there and it makes a difference!

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