Looking for recommendation on ecollar progression for stopping barking

Hi. i just bought the B1sPro which is an ecollar that provideds sound, vibration, and shock stimuli. It connects to an app that lets you set which type of stimulation you want for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd barks.

I still have not used it as I am looking for recommendations on the the best progression to go for to stop unnecessary barking while also minimizing the need to get to the shock stage.

A little background on Thanos. Thanos is a Egyptian pariah dog i found injured on the street when he was about 2 months old. He was badly scarred on his legs and body which seemed like he was attacked by a larger dog. I took him in and has been with me for almost 3 years now.

He barks at almost anything foreign passing infront of my house. Cars, motorcycles, people and dogs. Of course this is natural territorial dog behavior but what makes me think it is unnecessary is that there are situations where he doesn't actually bark or even pay attention to those things. And thats when im with him outside, when hes sick, or just lazy and tired.

I tried some e-collars before and they definitely helped mitigate the barking but all those were remote controlled and the layout of my house made it so that the stimuli was delivered inconsistently and sometimes too late, therefore the training did not have a lasting effect. Which is why i opted for the automated e-collar.

He almost always shuts up when I yell from the window, but pays no attention when other people from my house do it. The ecollar has an option to record your voice to be played upon it sensing a bark, so that definitely needs to be one of the steps, but not sure which step that would come in. The different stimuli also have different levels of stimulation, from 0-100.

Hope thats enough info for you to recommend which stimuli to configure for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bark. If anyone needs more info ask away. and thanks in advance for your responses.
@edwardorange1909 Hey mate, I haven't used a bark collar but I do remember listening to Michael ellis saying he doesn't like them (pretty sure it was Michael, could have been robert cabral) due to the fact it doesnt discriminate on the barking. So if the dog is barking happily, he is getting punished.

Sorry I couldn't help but thought I'd just mention it!
@edwardorange1909 Sounds like you have a reactive dog and honestly it’s much better to work on counter conditioning and desensitization of the noises.

If it’s between rehoming and bark collar I’d pick the bark collar 100% but work on CC first.

Also yelling usually just escalates things. Record sounds that trigger him and see what volume it takes for him to notice and not bark. Reward when he hears them.

If you do correct the problem with bark collars is you can’t control that. But try to correct before he builds up too much

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