Looking for low fillers large breed dog food (<18mo old rescue)


New member
We like to try something else (still have about 8-10lbs left to blend/transition). What other top tier brands that are low on fillers and quality proteins.? Thank you

p.s. Not planning to go grain-free at this point...
@gregdel You might try looking at Orijen and Farmina grain inclusive lines. My dude with grain allergies does well on their grain free options and their grain inclusive options look similar but with grain.
@gregdel Sounds like you may want to learn how to feed a balanced raw diet. Raw meat alone is not a balanced diet.

One of the better dry dog foods with lots of protein at a down to Earth price is Victor HI Pro Plus.

Don't go grain free.
@gregdel Well then figure it out, do the research. Contents % and ingredients are easy to find on the net for virtually all products. Just rest assured product reviews are all funded by dog food mfgs.

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