Looking for advice


New member
Hi all my dog successfully mated & locked 3 weeks ago & again 2 days later , I’m wondering if there’s a way I can get an idea of if she’s pregnant or not without going to the vet. She’s booked in for a X-ray in a couple weeks so would rather not have to pay for both a consult now and an X-ray then as well if I can maybe get an idea from home myself :).
@jeffinjapan Wow bitchy remark, kudos there. The key with breeding is to put your money in the RIGHT places. Not just haphazardly or unnecessarily throw it around everywhere. What will these appointments REALLY even do? There are signs to look for particularly the milk glands swell, behavioral changes etc to confirm. And the breeder knows the labor date would be one of two potential days, just within two days of each other. I say look for natural signs and KEEP your money to go into the puppies when you have them. There will be many expenses. Who knows, you might even get a puppy with a congenital defect and god forbid that happens, may need to personally retain it much longer and spend a few thousand on surgeries. SAVE. YOUR. MONEY. You do not know what expenses are coming. Don’t let bitchy commenters like this make you doubt that.
@jeffinjapan just to educate you, I’m not going to spend $100 now to have a vet FEEL her stomach & give me a yes or no that’s not fully accurate when I have her booked in for a X-ray in a few weeks to tell me 100% yes or no 🤷‍♀️thats $100 I could use to set her whelping box up. Or buy food or to use when pups are born.
@hocdmonster I’m busy today so I don’t have time to fully answer right now but before I keep getting dragged out 😅 I am horrible at showing tone through messages and getting my point across correctly. I didn’t mean any disrespect, I’m really sorry!!! I was just saying things do cost money, this hobby/business/passion isn’t cheap unfortunately :( I take my girl in for an ultrasound on day 30 at the vet to confirm so I can announce the confirmed puppies ahead of time rather than waiting for the x-ray near the end of the term. It’s about $275 with them but I like knowing earlier on. Which is why I suggested the portable ultrasound, I know lots of breeders that have it!
@jeffinjapan I understand that because I struggled and still do struggle sometimes with my tone through text as well! Yeah I get that this all costs $$ long run but I was just seeing if there was a way to tell at home or anything to look for :). My vet told me that’s only a 1 - 2 week difference with when she can have an ultrasound or a X-ray and I honestly just wanted to wait for the X-ray as she said it’s the one that’s most accurate :). I’m going to give her a ring today and see if I can take her in for an Ultrasound on day 30 though as I wasn’t to sure on this :) if she is pregnant I already have homes for upto 8 puppies & then I also have others interested if any of them 8 pull out, she’s a cattle dog & we live sort of out of town so there’s always people around on the farms that looking for new pups for working dogs :)
@hocdmonster That early you really can't tell from home. False pregnancy and an actual pregnancy look very similar in the early stages. I would treat her like she's pregnant (careful where you take her, etc.) and just wait for the xray that you already have scheduled

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