Looking for advice on Leash Reactive Coonhound Mix


New member
I recently adopted a 6-year-old coonhound mix who I thought was okay when I adopted her, but when I brought her home, she was definitely leash reactive towards bikers, joggers, and dogs. I got to work on her right away and tried to condition her but nothing would stick. I finally turned to just walking her in a circle and limiting her boundaries. I have done more +R training because I do not know how to use a prong or e-collar.

Her background is that she lived with a family for the first 6 years of her life rarely being taken out on a leash or seeing another dog, I think. She is very dog and person-friendly but overall, she is a frustrated greeter on the leash. She is semi-well trained in the house. She knows how to sit, stay, lay, and wait for your food.

Is there any type of correction that I can use w/o a tool if she goes into her excessive barking and lunging fits when she sees another dog?
@mjkobe A start is working on getting her to pay attention to you, have her look at you on walks and give her treats whenever she does. Try to go somewhere with a bit of people/distracting but not to many so she isn’t overwhelmed and sit far away where she can just watch them and they won’t get close enough for her to react, when doing that, give her a treat every time she gives you eye contact. I’ve been doing this with my dog and he has been getting a lot better with distractions. When you do this they learn that if they look at you when there are distractions they get rewarded. Try to distance yourself from distractions as much as you are able when/before she lunges and barks.