Living with a dog that's not mine


New member
Hello there,I have a specific situation regarding living with a dog.

Here’s what’s up:

I’m a volunteer in Vietnam, so l’m offered a place to stay in exchange for some work yaddi yaddi yadda; I live in an accomodation that has a 9-months-old dog. It’s one of those smaller breeds, l don’t know anything about dog…. “brands”.

Anyway, his owner isn’t very responsible: seldom visits him or takes him out for that matter. And tells the volunteers coming here that the dog aren’t their responsability, which is correct, but we do have to pay the price of the dog’s lack of discipline.

You guessed right: urine, and feces often plague the floor (or couch) when we forget or don’t have time to get him out even once… I’ve been going out of my way to take him for a walk when I have time, but my irregular schedule prevents me from doing so all the time.

Even when we take him for a walk in the evening, if, God forbids, we don’t wake up at 6 in the morning, the damage is done.

I’ve been trying to train him, rewarding good behaviour and scolding the bad but it doesn’t catch.

When I confronted the owner he said that when he was living with him, going out with the dog did nothing to prevent the accidents, because the dog is stupid.

I believe that the dog can be trained and that it is the patience of the owner that will foster rewards.

The thing is, I’m not the owner and my patience can only go so far. Despite my best efforts, if I miss ONE GODDAMN WINDOW to take him out: bam, we’ve got piss and shyte on the balcony.

The dog is an attention wh…. seeker, and whilst I’m the only one who tries to train and discipline him, if others start playing with him just right after I scold him, my soufflé just crumbles.

I suspect his “releasing” on the floor might be a tantrum of not being cared for 24–7.
  • I’ve tried to camp at one particular place so that he sh*ts at a regular spot outside -> doesn’t work.
  • I’ve tried rewarding him WHEN he defecates/urinates outside -> doesn’t work.
  • My commands are obeyed in an irregular fashion.

    Any tips on how to create discipline for the dog, when I can’t condition him like a clock?
@henryl64 There is a hormone based spray that you can buy, you spray it outside where you want dog to toilet, encourage them to sniff it, and it will know to go there.

There's no point telling it off for going inside when it isn't let out, its not fair on the dog, and no point, but taking it out as often as you can and maybe puppy pads down for when you can't
@alice96 I'll talk to his owner about buying some.

But in the long run the main thing is for him to be patient, because he does have the opportunity to go out at least twice a day.

Should I manage his food and drink consumptions?
@henryl64 A 9 month old dog who isn’t house trained and only goes out twice a day is going to make a mess. If you want to fix the problem, it’s going to take a concerted effort.

Walks often, like every hour to begin with. Last thing at night, and first thing in the morning.
Reward the dog every time they do their business outside
Restrict the dog’s movements so they don’t have an opportunity to make a mess inside.

I was able to house train our 2 yo Mexican street dog in about two weeks, by following the above steps.

Right now, the dog doesn’t see any part of the house as off limits to do their business. So putting down a pee/poop pad isn’t going to mean anything. You could try by putting a pad down where he often pees. And clean up all the other spots with an enzymatic cleaner to remove the odour that tells the dog that’s where they went before. But really, the whole place probably needs a complete scrub down.
@cynthabcock Gotcha.

OK another note, I forgot to mention that there was a flatmate that let him sleep in her room (mine is off limits and when I'm there he goddamn well knows); she took him for a walk early, then I did my part and 3 times a day = not a problem.
I did reward him doing his biological imperatives outside but seems that he dun care...
But she left and now he's back in business.
The thing is he does his deeds at night.
Sometimes during the day he cried for impatience and I got the queue that he needed to go out. But during the night... Gimme a break.
I really think he's crying for attention or something.
So I know he can obey and play by our rules he just seems to not do on purpose.

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