Let’s hear some crazy stories!


New member
I love talking about the unexpected things, crazy customers, and unusual grooms we do. No day is ever the same! I want to hear from some groomers the craziest day they ever had. I have sooo many stories but the two I wanted to share today are:
1- the client whose pelted shih tzu had ruptured anal glands with maggots in them who called corporate trying to get me fired for doing that to their dog.
2- the client who wanted to trap a feral cat from her friend’s bedbug infested house and bring it in for a “de-bugging” bath. In a trap. When I declined and nicely said the only place to take an unvaccinated, feral, trapped cat was a vet and no groomer would be able to accommodate her, she was pissed. She called me a couple weeks later to say that it was my fault her house was full of bedbugs.
Ok groomers, let’s here your tales!
@maebee_so One of my first dogs straight out of grooming school was a tiny yorkie with a drop coat and when I brought the dog to his mom after the haircut she put him up on the counter and took out a comb and a ruler and measured every freaking hair on the dog. She sent me back to the groom room six times to trim individual hairs. I was sobbing by the last trip. Everyone else including another grooming client was going crazy over how gorgeous the dog looked before she came to pick him up. This was before I realized I could fire clients. This woman, her daughter and her cousin all had yorkies and terrorized me for several years before I grew a pair.

Another time a guy brought in his 18 year old yorkie for a full groom and he carried her in laying on a pillow. I did not see her breathing, so I told him I would not be able to groom her and she would need to go to the vet because I was uncertain that she was still alive and he completely flipped out at me and said he was having her euthanized later that day but he wanted her to get one last full groom first. I refused again and he started yelling and kicked over a bookshelf in the lobby and my coworker started dialing the police.

I have the most bonkers yorkie clients in the universe.
@kvasas We had a client do this as well. Didn't tell us the poor dog was being euthanized the next day until pick up. My boss was livid that we'd put the poor thing through all that. I think people misunderstand how vastly their pet's "spa day" differs from their own. 😑
@rmayer32 In my experience it has nothing to do with having the dog have a spa day and everything to do with avoiding embarrassment at the vet for the condition their neglected dog is in.

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