Let’s chat anal glands


New member
Hi friends! My mutt is just over 2 years old, and I’ve had her just over a year. In that year, she’s fortunate to not have had any massive issues other than anxiety (we love przc).

Maybe 6 months ago she was whining a lot and pacing and chewing at her butt. I realized her glands were probably bothering her so we went and got them expressed at the vet, no problem. I know that’s normal to need them expressed sometimes. What I’m wondering is if her reaction is normal.

A few weeks ago, she woke up doing the same thing except this time got even more worked up. Went and got them expressed, the tech said they weren’t even very full. She doesn’t scoot, she honestly acts like she’s in pain. She won’t sit and sometimes I’ll physically lay her on her side and she can do that for like 20 minutes at the most until she gets worked up again.

Today, same thing. She was whimpering and shaking at some points too. Even though she just had them expressed. We usually add Bernie’s perfect poop to her dinner to just help her because she’s always had a sensitive tummy, but I’m wondering if I should follow up with the vet (she got them expressed at the groomer today) to see if this is something more serious or just how she reacts. It’s weird she doesn’t scoot (I’ve literally never seen a dog not scoot, but she doesn’t lol).

@arrachidi Have you tested for / ruled out any kind of worms?

And is it possible her butt is just dirty? Maybe wipe with some baby wipes?

Could she have eaten something and there is an obstruction in her system somewhere?
@arrachidi [sup]^[/sup] definitely test for worms!

Also could this little lady have allergies? My dog has short hair and we experienced something similar to this. Allergy shots really helped after a couple of months he was able to acclimate to the medication and we can get it every season it’s needed now!

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