Leash your f***ing dogs


New member
My 3yo female German Shepherd, Molly, just had to protect me on our walk.

She's been attacked by other dogs before, and one dog even leaped over their fence to get to Molly.
She didn't used to be on guard all the time, but after one dog came straight for me and tried to bite me, she's since seen every other dog as a threat.

Today, we were on our evening walk and passed by a guy working on his car... with his pit bull free, unleashed, and unchained. He went straight for Molly. I was scared for her because I thought I heard her scream, and after the guy came and got his pitty, she was limping and whimpering. I think he did get her, but most likely only bruised her.

I had to carry her most of the way home, which was a feat in and of itself, seeing as how she's 70 lbs. When I wasn't carrying her, she was checking on me, sniffing me, and watching me for reassurance.

After careful examination when we got home, I was relieved to see that the pitty hadn't drawn blood. I did, however, notice blood on her teeth.

My mom says the other dog was likely the one who screamed, and the blood I smelled was probably on her breath. My mom also said the other dog likely wasn't out to hurt either of us, but Molly wasn't playing around.

I'm grateful that Molly and I came away relatively unscathed. But the blood was on her molars and canines, her top canines are an inch and a half long. The blood was on the gum of her canine, and in the grooves of the molar. So while Molly came away fine, I'm not sure the other dog did.

I'm angry because Molly already has anxiety around other dogs now, and it's been a year of working with her to get her comfortable again after her previous attack. While I'm sorry that the guy's pitty is probably really injured, I'm upset because now my dog is scared again.

Moral of the story: unless you want your dog to be seriously hurt or potentially killed, chain your f***ing dog up. Yours might be friendly, but mine isn't.

And if you know your dog is aggressive/reactive, for the love of God, don't leave them unchained or unsupervised. I've had my girl attacked twice now because of negligent owners, and I've almost been attacked by a dog who was outside alone and wasn't chained up OR in a fenced in yard.

Be responsible dog owners. Whether you have a big dog OR little dog.
@metryx I agree people need to leash their dogs. I’ve had plenty of interactions myself that could’ve gone horribly wrong. For example people opening their front door for guests just as I passed by, dog ran straight towards mine crossing the street and all. People opening their car doors and a dog jumps out just as I passed. People walking their dog off leash in an area they should be on leash as per police code. It’s come to a point where I get anxiety attacks just by hearing a dog bark when I’m taking my dog out. Next time some unleashed shit dog comes running towards me I’m gonna kick that thing to oblivion.
@vunguyen179 I'm gonna start carrying mace. Molly has my back, but I feel helpless bc I can't have hers the same way. Molly and I both have anxiety on walks now, too. It's ridiculous that WE have to accommodate other people's recklessness. 🙄
@metryx Carrying mace or any kind of self defense weapon/tool is prohibited where I’m from. Either I’m gonna have to start carrying an umbrella or a stick.

And worse thing is. Let’s say my dog defends herself and kills the other dog. Then I’m gonna be held responsible for the recklessness of the other person.
@metryx I dont leash my dog on walks as he is well trained and has a perfect heel and recall, but when strange dog is passing by I still grab his collar anyway just so the person passing with the dog wont get nervous.
@drinat23 You should just leash your dog and follow the law. It’s not always about your dog but showing respect for other dogs and the community. Not trying to be a jerk to you but like OP I have a skittish dog who has anxiety levels off the charts. She too was attacked by a dog off leash and javelinas twice so if she even sees a dog off leash she gets insane.
@jesusismyfirstlove I follow the law in my country, which is to have the dog under control. But I understand your point, that is why I, as I said, grab the dog's collar when strange dog is passing by. Just so that person/dog feels safe. Moreover, my boy goes immediatelly into heel position the second he sees another dog/bike/person without any command haha. That's what a daily habit of rewards for heeling with distractions does to a dog I guess.
@drinat23 Fair enough. We were discussing laws here which was why I mentioned. In any event, the point is that each breed and dog has different temperaments and experiences. I’ve trained my dog for 2 years straight daily with positive reinforcement but she was not socialized at all for the first year of her life before I got her. Different sights and sounds strike her with fear and since I’ve had her she has been attacked unfortunately which is why owners like myself and OP encourage others to leash their dogs. Simply put, my dog does not like other animals whatsoever, especially dogs. So even though your dog is chill and listens mine will not always because of her experiences no matter what sort of training is done. And others should be mindful of that when they choose to leave their dog off leash.
@jesusismyfirstlove Well, you also have to respect that I have trained my dog well enough to be trusted off leash. Once we spot each other, my dog comes to me, starts heeling, while I grab his collar (which is right beneath my arm, so it is not uncomfortable for me or the dog). We pass along you calmly, the worst from my dog is the stare if the other dog is reactive. The other dog being triggered by whatever is not my problem as I represent no real danger to it. I even understand to the point that I am OK with dog barking at us, lunging, growling or being generally aggressive AS LONG as he is under control - physical, which is in this case a leash.

Ok, one time I turned away in similar case, but that was a kangal with a terrible reputation and the owner was a mature lady. Even if leashed, I turned the opposite way. But that is another story haha.

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