Just some Monday wholesome news 🥹


New member
You guys - it’s not often if ever that I gloat on the internet BUT this felt justified.
Our boy Goose has been on fluoxetine for around two months now, after struggling with anxiety and reactivity for years (he came to me after a road accident which caused brain damage and a few years in a shelter). We’re by no means out of the woods, and I’m perfectly fine with him not being a super dog sociable dog - he can manage so well in so many situations, that him not wanting to be friends with other dogs just doesn’t bother me.
Anyways, I’m off on a tangent. We walk in the same big park every day, and have a few dog owners we know on sight.
A woman who we always see just came up to us, saying she knows he’s got some sort of injury as he’s always on lead, but said she’d noticed such a change in his demeanour on the past few weeks.
So much so that he seems like a brand new dog 🥹
He’s the best boy, and it makes me so happy to know his goofy confident self is showing more and more. We’ve lots of work to do still, but know he’s more confident and comfortable and that it’s not just us noticing his progress is just beyond what I’d hoped even a few weeks ago.
Will add picture of good boy Mr Goose (here) for further attention when I get back to desktop 💕
Thanks to this sub for all the information and education it provides.
@bunkerbuster91 Woo hoo go Goose! That’s awesome you seem to have hit the sweet spot with your meds on the first try!

Go get Goose a super high
Value treat and get a nice dinner or wine for the pawrents! Mark huge occasions like this!
@bunkerbuster91 It's great when we see a big improvement in our dog's behavior, but it's SUPER good when other people notice and say something positive.
Way to go! And yes, we must see the amazing Goose!
@bunkerbuster91 Great news! My dog has been on fluoxetine for about 4 months and it’s been really good for him too. Gives him the headspace to take in the training we’re doing with him.