It’s our vet day, I’m looking for reassurance


New member
My dog (60lb German Shepherd) is the sweetest most gentle girl…to us. But every time we go to the vet specifically, it’s like Jekyll and Hyde. I have to put the two muzzles on her, the “party hat” and the cage, and I have to give her so many medications.

We tried meds last time; 100mg of Gabapentin before bed, and then 3-4 hours before her appointment 300mg Gabapentin, 100mg of trazadone. Well, even though she was cross-eyed and obviously very drunk, she “werewolfed.” It was like she didn’t have any meds on board at all. They decided to have me give her a 300mg in the office and I waited 2 hours for her to be dopey enough that they could take her back. That didn’t seem to have an impact, so they gave her an I.V. sedation.
She. Never. Went. Down.

So now, we have to go back (she had a blood sample, it got lost in the mail. Dear god, why can’t we just send certified or like FedEx overnight), and they have prescribed her so much medication and I am scared :(

Before bed:
3x 300mg gabapentin
1x 150mg trazadone

3-4 hours before her appt:
3x 300mg gabapentin
1x 300mg trazadone
5mg melatonin

I hate that she is so scared, but I know we have to get it done..I’m up at 4am giving her the meds for her 7:30am appointment. They said I can stay this time, and they will be quick so I can hurry and take her home when they get done drawing her blood. I know they’re professionals, but I am still uneasy because of the amount.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Did your dog survive?

Edit: I just wanted to clarify before hand, my username is only because I like Stranger Things, not because of my dog’s reactivity, lol
UPDATE: oh my god!! She did SO WELL and she didn’t appear to be that doped-up! They took her back, drew blood and we were out of there in 10 minutes. I am so relieved 😭 i put a muzzle on her before they took her back, and then I heard them praising her! Telling her how good she is, and she’s a pretty girl etc., then they brought her back out with NO MUZZLE?! Ugh, amen
@peterpan Last vet visit my 20-odd kg resident asshole took 200mg of Gabapentin, vallium, and a large shot of morphine in the ass to finally stop screaming and thrashing about.

We have to go in on Monday to get a lump biopsied (fairly sure benign cyst, but best to be safe) and a dental 🙃

Ask if your vet will come out to the car and semi-sedate before taking doggo in, explain gaba did nothing (it often doesn't). Makes my trips a lot less stressful.

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