Is this snack healthy to dog?


New member
Hi Folks,

I bought some snacks in pet store, one of them is bone (which is not bone, but some kind of hard to chew snack) and since my dog likes it I wonder if the indigriends are beneficial for him or not.

Can someone advise?

Corn starch - 59.71%

Black rice flour - 7.50%

Chicken - 2.13%

Beef meal - 0.53%

Soy protein powder - 8.21%

Wheat bran fiber - 2.56%

Edible oil - 6.40%

Yeast - 1.49%

Glycerin - 4.16%

Calcium sulfate - 0.68%

Sodium chloride - 0.21%

Sodium caseinate - 5.76%

Green tea extract - 0.09%

Rosemary extract - 0.05%

Vitamin E - 0.05%

Sodium deoxyacetate - 0.07%

Essence - 0.41%