Is this a healthy schedule for my 5 month old GSD puppy

I’d really like some advice/ a second opinion on if this is a good schedule for my german shepherd puppy. Sometimes I feel like he isn’t getting enough time outside of the crate because he NEVER truly tires out. Whenever it’s crate time there’s at least 10 minutes of crying. It makes me feel like i’m doing something wrong, but I work from home and I need to get things done. He cannot be confined in a pen without my 100% attention, he has practically 0 independence :( He would just scream cry until I come and play with him. I know they’re a high energy breed, but is this not enough? Should I get rid of that crate time at 6:30 and add an hour to each crate time earlier in the day?

8am - 10am - Potty / Inside Play time / Breakfast ( 2 hours )
10 am- 12:30pm - Crate time (2.5 hours)

12:30 - 1:30 pm - Potty / Lunch / Outside Playtime/ Walk ( 1 hour )

1:30 - 3:30 pm - Crate Time (2.5 hours)

3:30 pm - 6:30 - Potty/ Outside Playtime/ Walk/ Supper ( 3 hours )

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm - Crate time ( 2 hours)

8:30 pm - 9:30 - Potty/ Dinner/ Inside Playtime (1 hour )

9:30 pm - 10:30 - Pen confinement / Long lasting chew / Wind down time for bed. ( 1 hour )

10:30 pm - 8 am - Bed time in the crate. Late night potty break if he needs to go. (9.5 hours)

8 hours of play/ exercise/ training
7 hours crate throughout the day
@neuroclusterbrain I’m tallying up 16.5 hours of sleep (assuming he sleeps the entire time he’s in a crate, probably more like 14-15 hours). That’s a bit on the low end when we’re talking about puppy sleep needs - they average 18-20 hours a day at this age. But that’s just an average, some will need more and some will need less. You know your dog, if they don’t seem tired they’re probably okay.

I will say tho, watch out for behaviors that you think say “I need to get energy out”, when they really mean “I’m so overstimulated and overtired that I’m going to be a little tornado”. Things like excessive nipping, barking, walking around from toy to toy but not really interested in any of them, unable to settle - these are all signs that my puppy needs a nap. She’s 6 months old and sleeps 11 hours overnight, usually 5 hours during the day between work schedules, and takes a 2 hour nap between dinner and bed still.
@epimetheus this! i have a 3mo old bird dog and after seeing her run around and demand play all the time, i thought that i wasn’t doing enough for her. but i’ve figured out that sometimes she’s being a menace/throwing a tantrum because she’s tired. might not be the case with your dog, but maybe!

also: my dog whines a lot in the crate and we found out that she relaxes when we sing to her 😂 maybe that’s just a her thing. we also have cartoons on for her a lot, and at a low volume at night. she’s obsessed with adventure time and it’s some extra mental stimulation.

good luck…
@neuroclusterbrain Have a 6mo gsd, and your schedule looks fine. Mine doesnt do much whining, if any, when he goes in the crate, but I’m probably just lucky. Ignore the person who has zero clue what theyre talking about.