Is my puppy growing to fast? Am I over feeding him?


New member
Before I start I want to say my puppy is a mutt so there isn't any way to know how big he will actually be.

So I adopted a puppy when he was 2 months old. When he arrived here I took him to The vet and he was 1,5 kg. He was actually quite small. When he was 4 months old he was more or less 5 kg. But now at 5 months he is 8,8 kg. Every dog growing chart from dog breeds I though might be his size I look indicates that dog growth is more or less linear. Is it normal for him to have grown almost 4 kg in a month? When in the other months it was like half of that amount?

I don't think I'm over feeding him, I've looked at signs that dogs might be overweight and he just doesn't show any. But it's just kinda weird I guess lol. Also, I had some expectations on how big he would get but now I'm having to reconsider stuff and it's kinda confusing/scarry. Will he just keep getting 4kg every month that passes? If so I'm screwed lol
@a_bit_of_reason If he's not showing any signs of being overweight, I wouldn't worry. My dog grew in spurts, was a chubby puppy, a skinny teenager and is still filling out at almost 3 (he's a mix too, he's got beagle in him and also bull mastiff so we didn't know what to expect).

I would rely on your vets opinion since they've seen your dog in person (in dog?), and not worry too much about your dogs weight till they're done growing unless there's an obvious problem.

(I'm not a dog expert, this is just my opinion)
@a_bit_of_reason I personally found that my pup had a bigger spurt of growth from around 4 months to 5 months. It started out linear, then suddenly he got a lot bigger, and after 6 months it has slowed down again and is more gradual. Depending on dog breeds, I think it's normal to have a bit of a growth spurt around the time of serious teething and hormones and whatnot. Unless he shows signs of being overweight, like laboured breathing, excessive laziness, etc. along with visual signs, you are probably fine. If you feel like he is getting visibly chubby, you can talk to a vet who can advise you on his weight and if it's healthy or if something else is up!
@sinnersavedbygrace25 Really? I saw some growth charts and they're always like: oh if ur puppy is this size at this age he will be this big at this age! And it was confusing cause his now size didn't match his size as a puppy. Well guess he just a little different lol. And definitely the biggest growth has been between 4 and 5 months like a lot! He doesn't show any ove these behaviors and i don't think he looks visual lyrics overweight. I think I was just really shocked when I went to weight him and he was so much bigger lol. Stil cute as heck tho.
@futaba I don't he looks anywhere like the overweight dogs. I can feel his ribs normally and I don't see fat deposits, he also has a clear waist. I was kinda scared I might be over feeding him cause like usually u feed puppies accordingly to their adult weight which I don't really know cause he doesen't have a breed so I've been kinda just gessing. But considering his recent spurt I think I've probably been feeding tem correct amount, he just grew so much in so little time. Also I'm not from north america but I'm happy my english is good enough! Lol
@a_bit_of_reason I just want to encourage you that the fact that you are researching so much, asking questions, and paying close attention to your dog’s weight means you are probably doing great! Good dog mom/dad for sure!

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