Is my lifestyle fit for a German Shepherd? Considering one in a couple years


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All of my information will be set 2 years into the future. I’m currently 20 and in college now but I’m considering adopting a GSD a year or so after college.

General info (2026):
22 y/o single male, graduating college May 2026. Studying business/databases/cybersecurity. Interests- hunting, fishing, baseball, hiking/nature walks, cars, being outdoors, gym, gaming. I Played baseball for 10 years but was very overweight. Took an interest in weight lifting/personal health in high school and have kept that going throughout college.

Will be living at parents’ house for roughly 1 year after college then moving into my own apartment/rental home. Looking for a dog in fall 2026/spring 2027.

Other Dogs:
I currently have a Maltese. My family has had her since 2017 and I did a lot of the training for her.

I had a golden retriever from 2013-2023 (9 years, 9 months). We had to put him down in July 2023 because he had kidney disease (genetics). I also did a lot of the training with the golden during my teen years. I’ve felt very “empty” and lonely without my golden and I’ve really wanted a dog that’s either the same size or a little smaller than a Golden. It doesn’t feel the same being around a Maltese.

Lifestyle & Activities:
I’ll probably be working a 9-5 on site job unless I get offered a work from home or hybrid job (probably unlikely but a possibility considering my career path). Probably would not be able to come home for lunch unless my work is very close to home (also not very likely). My sister would be of age to drive by then and would probably be happy to stop by my apartment for a bit after school and take care of the GSD for the first few months of ownership.

I have an active gym membership and go to the gym nearly every weekday. I don’t do a lot of cardio at the gym but I would like to get into cardio and I feel an active dog is a good way to make me want to walk/run more. I’ve already considered possible morning or evening walks before or after work. I loved hiking in middle school & high school. Haven’t been able to hike much in college due to schoolwork and not having anyone to hike with. An active dog would definitely push me to start hiking again on some weekends. I really wanted walk / exercise my Golden more than I did, but couldn’t because of Covid & middle school & high school and college.

Both my Maltese & my Golden were raised on crate training, and that was super successful with both dogs. I would definitely crate train the Toller puppy. My cousin (20s) is pursuing a dog training career and she would be interested in helping me train whatever dog I get. Also she may be an option for doggy sitting while I work during the first few months of ownership.

Other Breed Considerations:
German Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

The dog would be used as a pet. Not an obedience or show dog or working dog. Just as a pet.

I’ve adored German Shepherds since elementary school. I love their looks and intelligence and protectiveness. However, I’ve heard they must be very properly trained or else they are nightmares to raise and can become very aggressive. I’ve heard many stories of owners who have adopted a GSD then later surrendered it to an animal shelter because they could not control it or could not properly train it.
@theslingstone I'll be honest, owning a GSD isn't for everyone. It's vitally important to socialize them from an early age because they bond so closely to their family and are naturally wary of others. That bond is also going to make it hard for you to leave them for 8+ hours a day.

Most reputable breeders I know of breed working lines. These aren't dogs that are content to see your younger sister in the afternoons, but truly need a job to do. They need space to run and play while also exercising their brains. And their large size/fast growth means you have to monitor this for them as they age.

I'm in the middle of raising a 7 month old intact male, with an entire lifetime of dog experience behind me, and he's still a handful. My life looks NOTHING like what it did pre-pup. I own my own home (with a fenced in backyard that I rely on every single day), and I have someone else that picks up where I can't.

It's worth it for me, but as puppies especially, your life will revolve around your dog. I could not do this solo. And if you look around on the puppy subs, people commonly say how difficult it is to do solo dog ownership. It's not impossible, but you are stacking the deck against you.

I don't want to completely dissuade you. My heart belongs to GSDs, I don't think any other breed comes close for me. I just want you to think about the level of commitment you need to make to any animal let alone one like this.
@pleed Thanks for the completely honest comment. I have thought about which line I would choose. I’ve heard show line is usually the way to go for most “family dogs”, but I’ve also heard that the show line GSDs are notorious for hip and joint issues later in life because of the angle their legs are at, and I would hate to get a dog with a heightened risk of those issues.

Thanks for the insightful information on everything. I will definitely consider all of this.
@theslingstone This is my personal advice :) . (I have a 6 month old GSD).

I would wait until you have your own place and a at least a hybrid job. I had my GSD in an apartment until he was 13 weeks and I couldn’t wait to have a yard! Apartments are not a great spot to raise and train a GSD. If you have a pup in your family home, everyone needs to be on board with training, especially if it’s a GSD.

Also, GSDs are no joke. In my experience, they need tons of training every day! I work from home 100% of the time and I am grateful I have the flexibility to be with my GSD almost all day (he’s fine when I leave, no anxiety thankfully). I think being with him working from home really advanced his training.

It’s great to see how much time you are taking to think about this decision! The right time will come!
@theslingstone I have a GSD from a reputable show line and I still wouldn’t consider him a family pet although he is loved like family he needs a job to do and isn’t content to just lounge around the house all day. They may not be as intense as a working line but they are still extremely intelligent and are going to need a lot of mental and physical stimulation.

Personally I don’t know how I would’ve survived the puppy stage without a backyard and without being home most of the day to supervise and fulfil the energy needs of my dog.

I think you might be underestimating the needs of a GSD a little bit, and if you are really set on getting one I would probably do more research into the mental and physical needs of the dog and make a plan on how you could achieve this whilst not being home most of the day and without a backyard because it sounds like it would be very very challenging in your situation and the last thing you want is to have a large, strong, frustrated dog that is acting out because they are not fulfilled.

I don’t mean to discourage you but they are a massive commitment and they will require alot of time and effort to get the well trained/well socialised dog you are probably imagining. Maybe take some time to settle in to your work routine and see how much time you actually have to invest into a GSD first, or maybe look into some also gorgeous but less demanding breeds.
@wallflower1104 Thanks for the honest comment. My main goal of this has been to use Reddit & other peoples’ experiences to determine if a GSD fits my lifestyle, and all of these comments have done that. I most likely am underestimating their needs.
@theslingstone Everyone gives good advice and my two cents is pretty simple imo.

They are Shepards, meaning working dogs. They gotta do stuff. Working. And if they aren’t able to do that, with you as well which is important to the dog, behavior problems arise and getting them out is tough.

Everything and one is different but this breed of dog is high maintenance.

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