Is my dog getting enough??


New member
Hi! I just recently adopted an Australian cattle dog and I’ve noticed an issue.
Okay so, I’ve had trouble calming my dog, Loki down whenever I’m trying to relax.
Here’s his schedule:
6 AM: 30-45 minute walk
7 AM: Breakfast/play
8-5: I go to work, I set down mental stimulation toys, a bone, treats hidden where he has to find them, and his chew toys.
4:30-5: I come home and let him outside to use the bathroom/play with my other dog.
6 PM: 45-1 hour walk.
7 PM: play/training
8 PM: Dinner (he usually still has leftover food from breakfast
9 PM: relax time
10 PM: sleep
So usually during relax time he doesn’t want to relax. He will keep trying to play with me and literally try to climb all over me until I play with him. I try to give him his toy so that he can play with that by himself, but he only wants it if I’m playing too, I’m not sure what to do about that or if I’m giving him enough exercise/mental things to do??
He’s a super great dog otherwise.
@meisje It took a while but I taught my guy "go play". I honestly don't know how, other than he's just smart as can be, but he usually realizes when I give him a toy, point somewhere and say go play that he's on his own lol. I think the trick is to just not engage with him after that command, which can be tough because they can be so cute and funny when they want something lol.
He's probably just is so excited to have you right now tho and will figure it out eventually 😊
@meisje Our 1.5 year old that we adopted in January does this thing where he gets wild when he's tired. We call it sleep-playing, like he wants to be asleep but because we're still awake, he tires to keep himself awake too by playing. Sometimes he gets really activated and zoomies and everything.

Having his own dedicated bed and teaching him "go to bed" (get in the bed and lay down in a relaxed way) has been very very helpful. Sometimes our dogs are just looking for direction and they're confused about what they're supposed to be doing, which can get them excited and then they want to play.

So #1 I'd make sure they have their own bed, #2 during the day, for treats, show them their bed and lure them into it. Treat time. Lure them off and then try again, if they're wild go reinforce other training they already know like sit-down-come for a minute, then get them on the bed and lay down. Lots of treats. #3 do not give in to their requests to play during quiet time!! Get the special treats out and lure them into bed, use the "go to bed" command and treat them up. if they get up, lure them back. Lots of praise for listening, less praise if they are pushing your buttons. Maybe keep a kong full of pb etc handy to give them when they get in bed.

Anyway to answer your question yes they are getting plenty of attention and activity and now they need to be taught what it means to settle down
@meisje I agree with @yosephk that some of this might just be extra excitement during the settling/bonding process. I'll add tho, a lot of people sometimes think their dog needs MORE exercise or brain work when they are a little spazzy at night but sometimes it's the opposite. They might be overtired! It causes doggos (especially high energy dogs) to behave like small children that missed their nap. So if it doesn't resolve in a few weeks after he's more settled in, you could also make sure he's getting naps during the day.

You could also try feeding him after the walk but before training. My guy sometimes gets a little stimulated when I give him food but tends to chill pretty quick after training. I second the suggestion for a kong. We do kongs/frozen kongs or occasionally a tasty chew that takes a while for him to get through to calm him down when our relax times are not in sync.

Good luck and enjoy your new pal.
@yosephk Also one thing I forgot to mention is that while I’m at work, he chills on the couch for the better part of the day, (I have a camera for him to check in on him)
@meisje How long have you had him? If it’s still all new to him he may not be set with the routine yet and is still super excited to have and be bonding still
@yosephk I adopted him on July 8th, so that makes sense! He was in the shelter for 2-3 months beforehand, so he’s still probably super excited to finally be out of a kennel like that
@meisje If he’s not being destructive or playing super rough to get attention I’d just focus on being happy he is bonding. It can take a good month or 2 for them to really settle. I’ve always found the 9pm time can be a bit odd where they get a second wind for an hour or so before they settle for the night.
@meisje How old is your new dog and do you know anything about his history? Do you work 5 days a week? Do you do more or less with him on the weekend?

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