Is it possible to train my 4 y/o German shepherd to heel at his age?

My German shepherd teddy is about 4 years of age at this point. We’ve taught him a couple tricks but never something as big as heeling or anything like that. I was just wondering if it was possible to teach him something like this at his age or if it might be impossible.
@houstonreborn I don’t know the difference lol. But I’d like to start with whatever comes first. He’s a very social and playful dog and loves other dogs (maybe a little too much). That’s another reason on why I was wondering if this was possible. I hate having to use a choke collar on him so any advice you can give me helps to the cause 🫡.
@ianjosephjackson It's definitely possible! Most of the new members we get at the obedience club I train with are adult dogs rather than puppies, and they don't have any particular issues learning new things. Plus four is still quite young, and GSDs are usually very intelligent and trainable, so I'd say teaching a heel should probably be pretty straightforward for you.
@ianjosephjackson From 2-7 is like the best time to train. For me my dog never listened when he was a puppy but now he’s 5 and he learns tricks in under 10 mins. He’s so good at training now.

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