Is it always a bad idea to use an e collar at a dog park


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Hello. I have a 2 year old standard schnauzer who has been training on an e collar since 6 months of age. It’s never used as a punishment and he understands that when he feels the e collar it means “stop what you’re doing and come check in with me”.

I don’t take him to dog parks often as I’m selective about what sorts of dogs he gets to interact with (he does have a consistent group of friends in my housing community). My question is: is it ok to have him wear the e collar at a dog park? My reason for wanting this is primarily for recall when it’s time to leave. He still gets very excited to play with new dogs and I’m concerned he may ignore my calls when it’s time to go. But I also don’t want to put him in danger if another dog tries to grab at it or something
@misput “Your mileage may vary”. So usually used to say you may not have the same results as them.. it does not really make sense with this comment.
@kingdomwaygh In this idiom mileage refers to results not choices. It means if you both do the same thing you might have different results because your experience is only anecdotal, not an established fact. If you’d said “I have never had issues with an ecollar at the park, but ymmv” that would make sense. “To each their own” or something similar would have made your point better.
@kingdomwaygh Not what I was saying, and I don’t disagree with what you’re trying to say at all. I was just pointing out that you’re using the specific idiom incorrectly, as it does not mean what you’re saying. It’s got nothing to do with choices at all.
@kingdomwaygh My wife and I were talking about that recently. She said until they figure out what to do with it. I told her last time we heard that we were stuck inside for 4 years.
@melanie92 I don't allow my dog in the dog park, e-collar or not. After a full year of e-collar use, the city park is now the only place I even put the collar on him, and I hit the button maybe twice a week now. We visit the usual walking dogs off leash in soccer fields.

Specifically, I know nothing about the dogs in dog parks. I don't know how he would react around more than 3 dogs. As his trainer said, "Why would you set him up for trouble he would have nothing to do with?"
@melanie92 If your dog is ignoring your calls, then work on your recall regardless.

Also I just want to point out that you state that you don't use the e-collar as punishment but to tell the dog to stop doing something. That is...punishment. The dog is receiving a correction via the collar, which is a punishment. That isn't a bad thing.
@shellyslioneyes My dog doesn't listen to anything. He's an 8 year old beagle terrier mix. He does what he wants. We have tried putting him through training, and getting him to listen but nope. He humps everything he sees, steals food, growls and bites at people, and constantly tries to run away if he's not on a leash. With me and my mom he's usually fine unless we try and take something from him. Other dogs he licks and jumps them to death. And I won't bring him around kids ever. He especially doesn't like them for some reason.
@shellyslioneyes Thanks for the perspective. A couple of things I guess. As far as recall, we work on it often and he’s great. In my post I said I was concerned that he might ignore my calls under the extreme distraction of playing with other dogs. This was a post about prevention, not dealing with a problem I’m currently facing.

Second, yeah I guess this is a semantics things in regard to punishment? But technically you’re correct. I meant that I don’t use the e collar as a tool to say “you’re in trouble/you’ve done something wrong” I use it as a recall tool to say “come check in with me”. I view those things as different in my head
@shellyslioneyes The working on recall around the dog park is actually a great idea and something I’ve been meaning to start doing. Especially with the respiratory thing going around, nows probably a good time to start doing more of that. Thanks again for your comments
@melanie92 Happy to help!

I personally don't use dog parks. For one, illness is rampant at them. Second, you have no control of anyone else's dog or the dogs that go there. It's a fight or injury waiting to happen 😔
@melanie92 i dont see how it would be any more dangerous than letting him keep his regular collar on. we dont go to regular dog parks but in the off leash areas we visit lots of people use them for recall. the only issue i foresee is that i like to give lots of treats as positive reinforcement with the ecollar, and you shouldnt really bring treats to the park, but if your dog is already really well conditioned to it you shouldnt need treats
@emotionallydrainedout Yeah that’s what I was thinking as well. At this point I only heavily treat when we are learning new behaviors but I don’t use the e collar for things he’s not already proficient in. Just wanted to get some second opinions. Thanks!