Introducing puppy to adult dogs


New member
Hi! Any advice on introducing the new puppy to my other dogs? One is a 3 y/o lab mix, sweet as can be but (seemingly randomly) aggressive to adult dogs. The other is a 10 y/o ole biddie, I mean, dachshund/yorkie mix who barks at everything that moves for 5 mins then will ignore like her life depends on it.

My plan as of right now is a, to keep working hard on the 3 y/o’s dog aggression before we get the puppy, then b, have them meet outside with a gate between them, then present the puppy as “her puppy”. Of course I’ll keep them separate when my eyes aren’t on all of them for a while.

I’m not too worried about the 10 y/o. She’ll bark then get over it. She mainly wants to be left alone so I’ll make sure she has her own space to escape to. One of the main reasons we’re getting this puppy is for the 3 y/o to hopefully have a playmate since the 10 y/o is over it.

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