Indentation in dogs right side near tail?


New member
So we noticed this about two weeks ago when we took my dog to the vet because she has a mysterious lump just after her ribs on her right side (you can see the shaved area where they took a sample).

Right after that we noticed that near her tail there’s a pretty large indent that can fit several fingers and there’s nothing on the left side.

When we brought it up at the vet while they were taking the sample of her lump the vet wouldn’t even see us to check it out and the tech commented that it could possibly be muscle atrophy which would be worrying. We’re finding a new vet, but in the meantime if anybody has seen this or has any ideas I’d be so grateful.

She’s 4.5 years old, mixed breed (best guess is lab + greyhound based on google searches) if those breeds have anything that could cause that. I’ve searched google and found one other person that posted here but apparently this is uncommon.

Thanks for any answers!

@jagflash Did you ever figure out what this is? My dog has the same exact thing. He seems totally fine, but it's a bit concerning. Hope your pup is doing well!