In pursuit of greener grass


New member
I have been grooming full time since 2016. I am confident in my abilities enough to know I am a pretty good groomer. The shop I work at currently the set up is frankly gross. There are many sacrifices made for safety, cleanliness, and efficiency seemingly only for the benefit of the shop owner. She does not groom dogs herself however her sister does groom at the shop. The sister is not in any position over the rest of the groomers and we all make 50% commission w2. I’ve tried to make suggestions to help because frankly it’s embarrassing and I am increasingly burned out. However they mostly have been ignored or upsets the sister because she views me as a threat even though she herself seems to never take initiative herself to try and help fix things. I know there is no “how to run a small business grooming salon for dummies” however my boss is infrequently not in the shop and is painfully slow to implement change(if ever) literally all the groomers shit talk behind her back about needing (including the sister she never says anything I’ve spent a lot of time trying to encourage her) We desperately need a shop manager of some sort who’s job is mostly managing the shop. I had a conversation with my boss about this a few years ago, I did volunteer because I can’t suggest this sort of role with out being willing to do it, and she seemed receptive and understandably said she had to talk to her sister first and offer the position to her first. I too have a sister, I get it. The sister did not react well to any of this and said “I’m just this new person coming in and taking what is rightfully hers”since then we are still managerless. We don’t do inventory, we don’t mop when we have an “open environment” we have had a recent bordetella outbreak. There is 0 discipline as well the hourly bathers do whatever they want at the expense of the commission groomers. The problem is I actually love my boss as a person she is so kind but being a nice person does not make you a good boss. I am so fed up with the day to day bs I have to deal with working 55 hours because of negligence. I have basically no control over my schedule and what kind of dogs are booked even when I make notes about not feeling comfortable doing a dog due to behavior or because frankly I’m the third senior groomer I already have clients and just because someone got fired I have to take their BAD dogs forever? Is this typical in private salons? I make good money but it’s making me less patient and I just am miserable every day. I don’t want to hurt a dog because I’m too in my head every day going through the motions. Is this what I should expect in the average grooming salon? Is it actually that bad and should I shut up and take the money because at the end of the day it isn’t my shop, but I also believe shit is destined to hit the fan. Quite literally. Should I just work at a hobby lobby or something?
@whygetmarried Honestly, it sounds like you've built up a healthy amount of resentment. The only way you're going to feel better is with an outlet. It's time for a meeting with your boss and her sister.

Time to lay out what you do, and how much they profit from it.

Time to lay out what you'd like. This isn't demanding or taking from them, this is your boundary to continue performing up to standard.

Time to lay out your concerns with safety, and any issues with compliance of laws regarding the cleanliness of a salon.

It's important to frame these as issues they have that you're willing to help with, otherwise you don't see a future with the company.

Be prepared to walk, decide what you're willing to negotiate. If you make a plan and come to them with it, you'll at least feel secure if you have to end up leaving.
@annalee Deep down I know that I would not be able to have that conversation and it go well, thank you for your input. I’ve decided I am going to leave regardless if I have something lined up or not at the end of this calendar year. But in your experience is this normal? Like with private salons or perhaps franchise? I’ve done corporate I know how that is and would prefer not going back because the pay is so low.
@whygetmarried Honestly in my experience it's super normal. I worked out of vans that had mold and rain dripping in. I've worked with no AC. Dog grooming seems to violate alot of labor laws when you get into private lol.

I've also sued and won for stuff like time theft, quit over towels that weren't properly washed. It's a rodeo out here.

Truthfully I just quit a job last week because I wasn't getting any breaks or lunches.

I believe I'll eventually find a private salon that has the things I like alongside the bad that I can handle. The way I see it, as long as I stick to my guns and do my best, I have no problem calling out stuff and walking when it isn't addressed.

I dont think things will change unless more people have that mentality. Keep trying, keep fighting.

"Journey before Destination"
@whygetmarried My shop doesn't have these same issues but I did get to the point last week where I wanted to call it quits. After my rant to my partner I felt a little better. I did also realize that I wasn't going to let certain things get in the way of my money. I love what I do and when I have my own shop I'll do things differently but for now I'll make the best of it. Working 50 hours had me drained and irritated so now I'm taking off an extra day (wish me luck)

My only suggestion to you, (and my next step) would be to leave slowly. Find another shop and temporarily do part time. A couple days at your current shop and a couple days at the new shop. Cause you never know how bad a shop is until you actually try it out for a while. Everything might look great and then you realize it's worse! LOL