I'm saying goodbye to my old boy in 4.5 hours. When can I give him chocolate?


New member
Old boy was diagnosed with renal failure last week. A vet is arriving at 4pm to send him off.

He's not eaten much at all in the past 24 hours, so he may not even take it. I don't want to make him feel any worse, either.

When can I try to give him some chocolate?

Edit - I just want to say a very big and sincere thank you to all who responded to this post. I didn't anticipate the kindness & support. You were all so helpful and I want to say more & reply to comments but right now I'm just a big ball of sad. I hope to come back and update further if this post remains unlocked.

Thank you all so, so much. I appreciate all of you, and you made a big difference for me & my old boy today.
@lynnede Right before the first injection/sedative. My vet has kisses in a jar upfront for owners to take and give to their pet before they cross the rainbow bridge.
@notw530 My dog always wanted Reese’s peanut butter cups. I bought her some on the way to the vet to do the… thing. I offered them to her and she was too far gone to want them. It’s about then the tears started happening.

Fuck you, cancer.
@lynnede I’d hold off til you get to the vets or they get to your house.
And don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t want it.

You could try a little lunch meat or peanut butter though. And tons and ton of kisses.

Does your dog have long hair or short hair? If it’s about an inch or more long, get a little rubber band and make a teeny tiny pony tail on the softest tuft of hair you can find. Make it tight.
Then snip it off so you can have a lock of hair to keep. You can save it somewhere safe or press it in a photo frame behind glass.
@tuckertwo please do tell.

this might sound crazy but I've thought about turning their fur into yarn to knit it up, but not all of my dogs' hair is particularly soft so I'm unsure how well it would be successful.
@petal There's hundreds of places that do it. I'm getting a paw print necklace and a ring made with fur from all my 4 dogs (past and present). Any places that do human memorials usually do pets too.
@petal You can absolutely spin it. Longer fit is better but I’ve spun wool locks shorter than my malamutes fur (it wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had but is doable)- it just might be a bit scratchy if you’re getting regular fur mixed with the undercoat.
@tuckertwo This is 100% normal in horse world. EVERY horse owner cuts the tail hair and keeps it. I still have my first horses tail, and she passed 10 years ago. I had a bracelet and a keychain made from some of the hair. It’s SO WORTH IT!! if it’s able to be done with dog hairs too I would highly recommend.
@lynnede I gave my old girl a cheeseburger and a piece of chocolate just before the vet did the first sedative. i’m so sorry for your loss, dogs are truly too good for this world 💞
@svs1980 Our dog wasn't allowed much in the way of people food, especially high fat things due to the risk of pancreatitis for him. We did a big hunk of cheese right before the sedative. He looked so happy.
@thehardertruths My dog was also on a very strict diet cause the smallest stuff would throw off his immune system and cause internal bleeding. He wouldn’t eat much the last day up to our appointment. Until I cracked out the meatballs. ❤️ such happy

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