I think my dog can spell?!?!


New member
A little set up...my JRT is obsessed with another JRT who lives down the street. This dog gets through the backyard fence and will just wonder the block then go home. Sometimes if my dog is on the long leash in the front with us, will see this and go crazy. Sometimes the dog comes up to him, buy my pups a little over zealous for this adult escape artist so he usually runs away. Anywho, when the dog is out we always say-'GO HOME MILO' and the dog goes home. This has caused my dog to learn his name to the point where I say MILO in the house my dog will bark and run to the front door then cry and wine for hours. So we started to spell it. Well the other day I spelled M I L O and my dog went crazy and went to the door. Thinking it was a fluke I did it again, same outcome. Then outside did it and my dog ran to my neighbors house where the dog lives.

Is that insane? 11 months and I can't even spell around him anymore. The word 'walk' is also now just 'W" until he figures that out. HAHA. Too funny! I know its pretty common, but a first for me.
@texas_flood I remember with my childhood dog we had to change our word for walk numerous time. He learned walk, around the block, jaunt, w-a-l-k and I think the only reason we didn't get through more is because as he got older he preferred to just lay outside and watch traffic or sleep.